鲁教版八年级上册unit5 重点短语及练习

Section A
1. about 9 ,600,000 square kilometers in size 大小约960万平方千米
2.1,025 meters deep 1 025 米深
3.any other mountain 其他任何一座山
4.of all the salt lakes 所有咸水湖中
5.the biggest population in the world世界上最多的人口
6.as big as和…一样大
7.the population of the US 美国的人口
8.in Asia在亚洲
9.one of the oldest countries in the world 世界上最古老的国家之一
10.feel free to do sth.(可以)随便做某事
11.the ancient emperors古代皇帝们
12.as you can see 你是知道的;正如你所看到的;正如你所见
13.as far as I know 就我所知
14.one of the world’s most dangerous sports 世界上最危险的运动之一
15.mountain climbing 登山
16.one of the most popular places  最受欢迎的地方之一
17.run along the southwestern part of China (沿着)中国的西南部绵延
18.of all the mountains 在所有的山脉中
19.thick clouds 浓厚的云层
20.freezing weather conditions 冰冻的天气条件
21.heavy storms 大暴风雨
22.take in air 吸入空气
23.the first people to reach the top 第一批到达山顶的人
24.risk one’s life 冒着生命危险
25.one of the main reasons主要原因之一
26.challenge oneself 挑战自己
27.in the face of difficulties 面对困难
28.the spirit of… 的精神
29.give up doing sth. 放弃做某事
30.achieve/realize one’s dream 实现梦想
31.the forces of nature 大自然的力量
32.the Pacific Ocean 太平洋
33.even though = even if 即使;尽管

Section B
1.stand on two legs  两条腿站立
2.10 kilos of food  10千克的食物
3.weigh many times more than 比…重许多倍/次
4.at birth  出生时
5.up to  到达(某数量程度等);至多有;不多于
6.prepare…for… 为……准备……
7. run over 跑上前去;跑过去
8.with excitement  兴奋地;激动地
9.walk into… (走路时意外地)撞着……
10.fall over跌倒;摔倒;绊倒
11.take care of = look after… 照顾……
12.every two years  每两年
13.die from illnesses  死于疾病
14.spend time doing sth.  花费时间做某事
15.cut down the bamboo forests  砍伐竹林
16.there be sb. doing sth.有某人正在….
17.in the remaining forests在剩余的树林里
18.or so  大约
16.research centers  研究中心
17.an education program   一个教育项目
18.other endangered animals其他濒危动物
19.send sb. to do sth.派某人去…
20.the importance of saving these animals  挽救这些动物的重要性
21.make artwork about pandas制作关于大熊猫的艺术品
22.in the future  在未来
23.stop putting rubbish into the sea  停止往海里倒垃圾
24.jump out of the water  跳出水面;从水里跳岀来
25.rules about whale protection关于鲸鱼保护的规章
26.water pollution   水污染
27.in danger  濒危的;处于危险中的
28.protect…from…  保护……免受……的侵害或侵犯

1.China has the _________(big) population in the world. It’s a lot ______(big) than the population of the US.
2.Feel free ________(ask) me anything on today’s Great Wall tour.
3 As far_________ I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this.
4.One of the world’s most dangerous sports _______(be) mountain climbing.
5.It is also very hard to take ________ air as you get near the top.
6.The first people _______(reach) the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29,1953.
7.Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even ________ it is dangerous?
8.One of the main reasons is that people want to challenge ________(they) in the face of difficulties.
9.The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up ________(try) to achieve our dreams.
10.Qomolangma is 8,844. 43 meters ______(height). It’s higher than any other mountain.
1.An adult panda _________(weigh) many times more than a baby panda.
2.Pandas have become so popular _________they are now a symbol of China.
3.The babies often die from _________(ill)  and do not live very long.
4.Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day _______(eat) about 10 kilos of bamboo.
5.Scientists say there are now fewer than 2, 000 pandas ______(live) in the forests.
6.An education program in Chengdu teaches children about pandas and other ________(danger) animals.
7.They send people to schools to tell children about the _________(important) of saving these animals.
8.We all hope that __________ the future there will be a lot more pandas.
9.My uncle is an animal________(keep).
10.We should make some rules on whale ________ (protect).     

1.Hearing the news,Bill jumped out of bed in great________(excite).     
2.Mrs. Jackson stayed________(wake) last night,for she was worried about her son.  
3.Work hard, and you can ________(achievement)your dream.  
4.I have lots of hobbies, _________(include)swimming, drawing and collecting stamps.
5. Kunming is in the ___________(southwest)part of China.
6. Bill Gates has made a great ________(succeed)in business.
7.Of all the animals, I like pandas______because they are really cute.
8.We must realize the importance of______the endangered animals.
9.Why do so many climbers risk their lives________(climb) the mountain?
10.They showed courage _______ the face of danger.
11.Lin Wei and the other panda keepers are preparing the milk for the baby pandas’ breakfast.
12.humans started to cut down the forests, and there was ________(little) bamboo for the pandas.
13.Another 200 __________ so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries.
14.Scientists are doing research ______(understand) the habits of pandas.
15.what about the difference between a dog and a giant panda ___________ size?


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