外研版五年级英语下册(一出发点)module 6 知识点和课文翻译

外研版五年级英语下册(一起点)Module 6 知识点和课文翻译

五年级下册module 6 学问汇总

















last saturday上星期六

this summer本年夏天

five thousand years old五千年的履历

by car乘小汽车

on top of… 在……的上面  

in a circle围城一个圆  

from the sky从天空中  

get there到达那里  

find the answer找到答案  

lots of许多   


1. I hope so! 我希望如此!

2. I can’t wait! 我等不及了!

3. No one knows. 无人知晓。

4. You’re clever. 你很聪明。

5. All right! 好的!

6. — What will we see there? 在那我们将会看见什么?

  — We’ll see lots of very big stones. 我们将会看见许多大石头。

7. — Why did people build it? 为什么人们建造了它?

   — No one knows. 没人知道。

8. — How will we get there? 我们怎么到那?

  — By car. 乘小汽车。

9. There was a very big surprise waiting for me. 有一个巨大的惊喜等着我们。

10. I took some nice photos there. 在那我拍了一些好看的照片。


① 描述我们将要做某事

We will + 动词原形 + 其他.

eg: We will fly to New York. 我们将要飞往纽约。

   We will water the flowers. 我们将要去浇花。

② 询问某人为什么建造了某物

Why did + 主语 + build + 建筑物名称?

eg: Why did people build the Great Wall? 人们为什么建造了长城?

  Why did you build the small house? 你为什么建造了这座小房子?

③ 询问出行方式

— How will you get (to) + 地点?

— By + 交通工具. / On foot.

eg: — How will you go to school? 你怎样去学校?

   — By bike. 骑自行车。

   — How will you go home? 你怎样回家?

   — On foot. 步行。

五年级下册Module 6 课文翻译

Unit 1 We’ll see lots of very big stones.第一单元 我们将会看到许多非常大的石头。

Activity 1 Listen and chant.活动1 听录音并说唱。

How old is the Great Wall? 长城有多久的历史?

And what did they build it for? 他们修建长城是为了什么?

We’ll visit it tomorrow. 我们明天将去游览长城。

You’ll find the things you want to know.你将会找到你想知道的答案。(歌曲)

Activity 2 Listen, read and act out.活动2 听录音,读一读并表演。

On Saturday, we’re going to see Stonehenge.星期六我们将会去看巨石阵。

What’s that?那是什么?

It’s a very old place. 它是一个非常古老的地方。

It’s about five thousand years old.大约有5000年的历史了。

That’s very old! 那非常古老了!

What will we see there?我们将会在那里看到什么?

We’ll see lots of very big stones. 我们将会看到许多非常大的石头。

They are in a circle. 它们排成圆形。

Some stones are on top of the others.有些石头在其他石头顶上。

It’s very interesting. 好有趣。

Why did people build it?人们为什么修建它?

No one knows.没人知道。

You’re clever. Maybe you will find the answer!你很聪明。或许你会找到答案的!

I hope so!我希望如此!

How will we get there?我们将会如何到达那里?

By car. It will take three hours.坐小汽车去。这将会花三个小时。

Well, I can’t wait!嗯,我都迫不及待了!

Activity 3 Listen and say.活动3 听录音并说一说。

What will we see there? 我们在那里将会看到什么?

We’ll see lots of very big stones.我们将会看到许多非常大的石头。

How will we get there?我们将会如何到达那里?

By car. It will take three hours.坐小汽车去。这将会花三个小时。

Unit 2 It was amazing.第二单元 它太神奇了。

Activity 1 Look, listen and say.活动1 看图,听录音并说一说。

Daming, come and take a bike ride.大明,过来骑自行车吧。

No, I’m tired.不,我累了。

Then come and take a bus ride.那过来乘坐巴士吧。

All right!好的! 

Activity 2 Listen and read.活动2 听录音并读一读。

Dear Daming,亲爱的大明:

Last Saturday, we went to Stonehenge. 上周六我们去了巨石阵。

There was a very big surprise waiting for me.那里有个非常大的惊喜在等着我。 

We took a short helicopter ride over Stonehenge!我们乘坐直升机在巨石阵上方做了短程飞行!

The stones are very big, 这些石头都非常大,

but they looked small from the sky.但是它们从天上看非常小。 

It was amazing. 它太神奇了。

I took some nice photos there.我在那里拍了一些漂亮的照片。

What will you do this summer?今年夏天你会做什么?

Love, Lingling爱你的,玲玲

Activity 4 Listen and say. Then chant.活动4 听录音并说一说。然后说唱。

We do the same things all around the world. 我们在世界各地做同样的事情。

We sing songs and clap along all around the world.我们在世界各地都唱歌拍手。 

We go to schools and follow rules all around the world.我们在世界各地都上学和遵守规则。 

We play games. It’s the same all around the world.我们玩游戏。这在世界各地都是一样的。

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