以赛促学 争做计算能手——六年级数学组计算能力比赛
译:Mathematics, the queen of science; Arithmetic, the queen of mathematics. – Gauss
为了激发学生学习数学的兴趣,调动学生学数学的积极性,巩固和提高学生的基本计算方法与计算能力,更好地培养学生平时作业时细心计算的习惯,我校六年级数学组举行了“以赛促学 争做计算能手”的计算能力比赛。
译:There are four reasons why the Sixth Grade mathematics group of our school held this calculation ability competition. Firstly, to stimulate students’ interest in learning mathematics. Secondly, to mobilize students’ enthusiasm for learning. Thirdly, to consolidate and improve students’ basic calculation methods and ability. Fourthly, to cultivate students’ good habit of careful calculation when they do homework.

译:Numbers dance on the tip of a pen, symbols test on paper, whimsy and sophisticated logical calculations converge on one test paper after another. If we only stop at concepts and theories, and do not apply them to mathematical practice, we will never make progress. We can read the thirst for knowledge and love of mathematics from the solemn look of students and uninterrupted calculations, and will eventually live up to expectations!

译:Competition stimulates desire, honor ignites enthusiasm. Students’ mathematical level and arithmetic ability will be improved greatly by participating in competitions.They must achieve a better future. let’s look forward to it!