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Unit 2 My Schollbag P.A  Let’s learn & Let’s do 说课稿



我说课的内容是人民教育出版社九年义务教育课程标准实验教科书四年级上册中的Unit2 My Schoolbag。这一单元呈现了教科书的名称。本单元通过一系列的活动与对话大家在日常生活中描述书本的单词和句子。本单元需要6个课时完成。我现在要说的是第一个课时。





1、能够听、说、认读本课时主要生词English book, math book, Chinese book, story-book, notebook, schoolbag。   2、能够听懂、会说How many … do you have?  I have….并能在实际情景中运用。

3.能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作,如:Put your English book on your head….


本课时的重点是能够听、说、认读本课时主要生词English book, math book, Chinese book, story-book, notebook, schoolbag。     难点是能够听懂、会说How many … do you have?  I have….并能在实际情景中运用。




2. 学法指导




第一步:Warming up 创设情景,引入新知1)  Sing a song.


2)通过听指令做动作(如:point to the window , point to the door ….)等复习第一单元的知识,同时为进入本单元的schoolbag作铺垫。

第二步:. Presentation 激情引趣,学习新知

1)由point to the bag 导入课题(板课题) 并引导学生说。

2)多媒体课件呈现所学新单词。学习单词按易到难,由浅入深原则逐一学习。先从大家熟悉的English book入手,然后到Chinese book, math book, notebook ,。由于story-book比较难发音,因此安排在最后。     


4)Guessing game .让学生快速抢猜单词。

5)教学句型:How many …do you have? I have….

通过学生与老师 ,老师与老师之间的对话来加强学习,在同学们熟悉单词后,引导他们加入How many …do you have? I have….进行操练。

第三步:. Play time 深化新知,体验参与

1) Let’s do.

学生在老师的带领下进行let’s do. 需特别注意事物间的方位关系以及介词的用法:in, on, under, near.这部分是对所学单词的巩固并应用。

2) Let’s sing “Books and Pencils ”让句型化难为易。


第四步: Practice. 巩固新知,运用新知





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Unit 9  What does he look like?说课稿 

good morning! ladies and gentlemen! it’s my hornor to be here to share my speech with all of you. today my topic i’ll talk about is what does he look like? . from 1a to 1c of unit7 book1b. i will explain my lesson from the following 6 parts:

teaching material analysis

students analysis

teaching important and difficult points analysis

teaching strategies analysis

teaching procedures analysis

blackboard design

the topic is about how to describe people. it is close to students’ daily life. so it is helpful to raise learning interests of the students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken english. there are many new words and expressions, such as hair, curly, straight, medium build and medium height…etc.

so teaching the new words and the expressions may be the most important knowledge aim. after that, the students must be able to describe different people with them. during the class, the teacher must tell the students not to judge the people by their appearance and they should be friendly to each other.

the students have known how to answer the special questions and have mastered some words and expressions .they show great interests in english.

maybe it is a little difficult for some students to use so many new words and expressions correctly. it is also the teaching difficult point in this lesson. so i will use some different kinds of teaching methods , such as task-based method, communicative method, cooperative method,  audio-visual teaching method . and in this lesson i’ll use powerpoint and real objects as the teaching aids.

well, how to achieve my teaching theory, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? the following i’ll talk about is my teaching procedures.

step1 greetings and warming up

to make the students feel happy and relaxed in my class, firstly i will encourage them to use the useful expressions they have learned to communicate with me. do you have a good friend? can you tell me something about her/him?… etc.

then i’ll use two different rulers to revise the word short and long.

step 2  presentation and practice

after that i’ll use an interesting cartoon movie and some pictures to teach the new words and expressions in this class.

i think the audio-visual teaching method can catch their attention quickly.

then i’ll ask them to practice the patterns by a flash.

step 3 exercise and listening

next i’ll get them to do some exercises and the listening.

first, get students to match the words with the people in the picture. then i play the recorder, students do activity 1b.

this step can practice the students’ listening ability. and it can be considered as the summarize work of this lesson, because it can check the students if they’ve remembered the key point and difficult point.

step 4  groupwork

   in order to help the students consolidate the knowledge they have learned in this lesson and show their team spirit,i adopt the cooperative teaching method. here i set a scene: a thief is stealing something in a supermarket. two kids find it and tell the policewoman about it. then divide the students into groups,three students a group,one of them acts as the policewoman .ask and answer like this: is he tall or short? is he heavy or thin? does he have short or long hair?…….  

  at the time ,i tell the students not to judge a person by appearance and they should be friendly to each other.

step 5 summary

next i’ll sum up the grammar with them.

i think this step can help the students remind the knowledge they have learned in this lesson.

step 6 homework

at last,i’ll give them some homework, it’s very simple,but i think it is necessary for the students to do some extensive exercises after class.

i’ll write the new words and expressions on the left of the blackboard. on the right, i’ll write the new patterns like this :

 teaching reflection:

because the content the students will learn is closely related with their own,

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Good morning, dear judge

It’s a great pleasure for me to have an opportunity to talk some of my teaching ideas. My test number is 42.Today my topic is the second English lesson for Senior High students—Computers(part 1 warming up and pre-reading)


第一,说教材(Understanding of this lesson)

1.Analysis of the teaching material


2.Teaching Aims


1)知识目标(Aims of Knowledge)



2)能力目标(Aims of Ability)



3)情感目标(Aims of Emotion)


1)Teaching important points:

3.教材重难点方面(Teaching important and difficult points)

1)Teaching important points:

从以上对教材和教学目标的分析中,可以知道本课的重点是通过学习本单元,使学生了解计算机的发展历程,及其在当今社会的广泛应用;鼓励学生用英语表达自己的观点、进行简单的推理和做出决定。学习单词although, waste, believe, necessary, passenger, record, at one time, greatly, correct, complete的用法和意义


2)Teaching difficult points:




假设今天我教授的是南昌市某所普通高中高一年级的学生。计算机这一话题虽然有趣,但本单元所选语言材料属于科普类说明文,内容较为抽象,文章中也不乏一些专业术语, 对高一学生来说有一定难度。

三、说教法和学法(Teaching method&leaning method)





4)采用泛读和精读想结合的方法训练学生的阅读理解能力。Fast reading and careful reading to train the Ss’reading ability and understand the passage better。



四、说教学过程(Teaching procedures)

Step 1 Lead-in导入



Step 2 Fast-reading


①先是给学生5分钟的时间快速阅读文章,并简单介绍标题“Who A M I”中“I”指的是谁?



2 / 3页

Step 3 Intensive reading


详细解释文中的重点词汇、短语和重点句型,如Simplify ,application ,reality sum from „on„,as a result „„any horn,so„that„ 等,然后让学生去用这些词或短语去编故事,以便巩固对知识点的学习。

Step 4 Discussion

学生四人一组,话题:Think about what you would have to do if you could not use computers any more.

要学生自由组合是为了照顾学生的情感需要,因为谁都有小圈子,谁都有不愿与之相处的人, 这样学生之间沟通起来更加顺畅,更好的完成讨论。

Step 5 Homework作业



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