小学数学你还会吗? | 朋课英语朗读
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TED演讲 | 为什么我爱上了怪兽般的质数

质数(prime number)又称素数,有无限个。质数定义为在大于1的自然数中,除了1和它本身以外不再有其他因数的数称为质数。
I fell in love with mathematics from the earliest of ages. I explained it to all my friends. Maths is beautiful. It’s natural. It’s everywhere. Numbers are the musical notes with which the symphony of the universe is written. The great Descartes said something quite similar.
The universe “is written in the mathematical language.” And today, I want to show you one of those musical notes, a number so beautiful, so massive, I think it will blow your mind. Today we’re going to talk about prime numbers. Most of you I’m sure remember that six is not prime because it’s 2 x 3.
Seven is prime because it’s 1 x 7, but we can’t break it down into any smaller chunks, or as we call them, factors. Now a few things you might like to know about prime numbers. One is not prime. The proof of that is a great party trick that admittedly only works at certain parties.