备战中考 | 初中英语 中考听力冲刺训练10

备战中考 | 初中英语 中考听力冲刺训练10



第一节 下面你将听到5段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你都有lO秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话只读一遍。
1. What does the boy’s father do?
A. A doctor.    
B. A teacher.   
C. A police. 

2. Which grade is the new student in?
A. Grade 7.    
B. Grade 8.   
C. Grade9. 

3. What does the woman like for breakfast?
A. Noodles.  
B. Porridge.   
C. Hamburgers. 

4. When does the man like to swim?
A. In spring.    
B, In autumn.    
C. In summer. 

5. Where are Frank’s books?
A. On the chair    
B. On the desk.    
C. On the bed. 

第二节  下面你将听到6段对话或独白, 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话或独白前,你都有10秒钟的时间阅读有关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

6.Where has Lily gone?
A. To the supermarket.  
B. To the bookstore. 
C. To the post office. 

7. When will the students start?
A. At 7:00 a. m. .    
B. At 8:00 a. m. .   
C. At 9:00 a. m. . 

8. What should Lily wear?
A. Thick sweater.    
B. New shirt.    
C. Old clothes. 

9. Who does the woman call?
A. The police.    
B. The reporter 
C. The driver. 

10. What color is the woman’s handbag?
A. Purple.    
B. Green.    
C. White. 备战中考 | 初中英语 中考听力冲刺训练10

11. Where did the woman get off the bus?    
A. At the Hongshan Square.    
B. At the East Gate. 
C. At the Xianjiang Hotel. 

12. Who does the girl buy a gift for?
A. Her mother. 
B. Her father.    
C. Her brother. 

13. What does the girl decide to buy?
A. A wallet.    
B. A watch.     
C. A hat. 

14. How much does the girl pay for the gift?
A. 10 dollars.    
B. 15 dollars. 
C. 20 dollars. 

15. When did Mike see a doctor?
A. This morning.  
B. Last night.   
C. Yesterday. 

16. What was the matter with Mike?
A. He got a headache.   
B. He got a toothache. 
C. He got a fever. 

17. What did the doctor ask Mike to do?
A. To rest at home.    
B. To stay in hospital. 
C. To have an X-ray. 

18. How will Liu Mei go to Wuhan this summer?
A. By bus.   
B. By plane.    
C. By train. 

19. How many times has Liu Mei been to Wuhan?
A. Once.   
B. Twice.    
C. Three times. 

20. What will Liu Mei visit in Wuhan this summer?
A. The universities.   
B. The middle schools. 
C. The primary schools. 

21. What did the patients think of Mr. Wang?
A. Cool.       
B. Kind.   
C. Strict. 

22. Where did they spend the vacation?
A. In the village.    
B. In the town.    
C. In the city. 

23. How did they feel on the first day?
A. Tired.       
B. Scary.  
C. Relaxed. 

24. Why did Mr. Wang go to the nearest town’?
A. To buy the medicine.   
B. To repair his car.    
C. To visit his friend. 

25. Who came to Mr. Wang half an hour later?
A. A policeman.    
B. An old man.    
C. A young girl.


1. W: Where does your father work?
M: He works in a middle school.
W: What subject does he teach?
M: Geography.
What does the boy’s father do?

2. W: Are you a new student in our school?
M: Yes. I’m new here.
W: Are you in Grade 9?
M: Yes. I’m in Class 6, Grade 9.
Which grade is the new student in?

3. W: Is there a good place to have breakfast?
M: What food do you like best?
W: Beef noodles.
M: Oh. There is a famous noodle house over there.
What does the woman like for breakfast?

4. W: What’s your favorite sport?
M: Swimming. I think it’s the most healthy sport.
W: When is the best time to swim?
M: Summer. I swim every morning in summer.
When does the man like to swim?

5.W: Frank, where did you put your books?
M: On the chair, Mom.
W: Oh, don’t put them on the chair. It’s not a place to put the books.
M: OK. I’ll take them away at once.
Where are Frank’s books?

M: Hello. This is Dave. May I speak to Lily?
W: Hello. This is Lily’s mom. I’m sorry, but she’s gone to the bookstore.
M: When will she be back?
W: I’m not sure.
M: Could you please take her a message?
W: Yes, of course. Just a minute.… OK.
M: We’ll go to plant trees in the park at 8:00 tomorrow morning.
W: Will she take something with her?
M: No. Just wear her old clothes and get to the school gate before 8:00.
W: OK. I got it.

6. Where has Lily gone?
7. When will the students start?
8. What should Lily wear?

M: Police Station. Can I help you?
W: Oh, yes, please. My handbag! I lost my handbag on the Bus No. 13.
M: Take it easy, Madam. Tell us more about it, please.
W: Well, I left my handbag on the bus when I went to work this morning.
M: What color is your handbag?
W: It’s purple.
M: Where and what time did you get on the bus?
W: I got on the bus at the East Gate at about 7:30.
M: Where did you get off the bus?
W: Oh, at the Xiangjiang Hotel.
M: Don’t worry, Madam. We’ll call you as soon as we get any information.

9. Who does the woman call?
10. What color is the woman’s handbag?
11. Where did the woman get off the bus?

M: What can I do for you?
W: I am looking for a gift for my dad.
M: How about a watch?
W: Maybe it’s a good idea, but it’s a little expensive.
M: Mm…, a wallet? Men usually love beautiful wallets.
W: I agree with you. Show me a white one, please.
M: I think men prefer black ones.
W: OK. Show me the black.
M: Here you are.
W: This looks nice and feels soft. How much is it?
M: 20 dollars.
W: Great! I’ll take it.

12. Who does the girl buy a gift for?
13. What does the girl decide to buy?
14. How much does the girl pay for the gift?

W: Mike, you didn’t go to school this morning. What’s the matter?
M: I coughed the whole night.
W: Did you see a doctor?
M: Yes. I went to the hospital this morning.
W: What did the doctor say?
M: She said I got a fever because something was wrong with my throat.
W: Was it serious?
M: No. But she asked me to take some medicine and stay at home for two days.
W: Drink more water and have a good rest.
M: Thank you. But what about my lessons?
W: Don’t worry. I can help you with your lessons.

15. When did Mike see a doctor?
16. What was the matter with Mike?
17. What did the doctor ask Mike to do?

M: Summer vacation is coming. How will you spend it, Liu Mei?
W: I’ll go to Wuhan to visit my uncle and aunt by train.
M: Do they work there?
W: Yes. They have worked there for about 6 years.
M: Have you ever been there before?
W: Yes. I’ve been there twice.
M: Oh, I think you must know the city well.
W: Yes. My cousin likes to show me around the city.
M: What will you do this summer?
W: My cousin said she would take me to visit the famous universities.
M: That’s a good idea! Remember to take some photos.
W: Sure.

18. How will Liu Mei go to Wuhan this summer?
19. How many times has Liu Mei been to Wuhan?
20. What will Liu Mei visit in Wuhan this summer?

Mr. Wang worked in a big hospital. He was kind to all his patients and they liked him very much. He was busy nearly every day. So he wanted to have a good rest. And it was very hot this summer. His only daughter hoped to take a summer vacation in the village with her parents. And then the family went to the village and were ready to stay there for several days. On the first day, they walked along the lake and picked some flowers in the day time and had a good sleep in the village at night. They enjoyed themselves there.
On the second day, a woman in the village was ill. Mr. Wang examined her and went to the nearest town to buy some medicine for her. But on his way to the village, something was wrong with his car and he had to stop to repair it. And when the sun went down, he started again. But soon he lost his way. He couldn’t find anybody there. He had to stop by the road and waited. Half an hour later he saw an old man coming to him. He asked, “Excuse me, sir. Where am I now?”
The old man had a look at him in surprise and said, “Aren’t you in your car, sir?”


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