译林小学英语六年级上册Unit 5单元测试

译林小学英语六年级上册Unit 5单元测试





















(    )at a shopping centre   (    )be careful

(    )wet floor                      (    )want some juice

 (    )can’t litter                 (    )take your juice into the shop

 (    )eat some noodles       (    ) don’t smoke

 (    )look for                      (    )in the forest


(     ) 1. A.It means we can’t eat or drink here.               

           B.I am looking for my apples.  

            C. It means we shouldn’t fish here.

(     ) 2.A.Yes,please.       

            B. No, I can’t.   

            C. I like juice.

(    ) 3. A.I went fishing with my brother. 

           B.I was in a restaurant..   

          C. we can’t smoke here.

(     ) 4. A. We can put it in the cinema.  

           B.I wanted to go in.            

           C. We picked bananas on a farm.

(    ) 5. A. No, thank you.          

          B. Yes, I do.                  

          C. No, I can’t.


1、Be __________, the floor is wet.

2、What does that sign ___________?

3、We shouldn’t ____________here.

4、The shopping centre is so clean. 

    Don’t     ___     here, please.

5、We are on an___________.



  1. 午餐时间                 

  2.  许多猴子


  4. 请勿饮食                       

  5. 举行一次远足                                                  

  6.eat some noodles                                         

  7. go in that restaurant                                       

 8. 在购物中心周围                                      
  9. 寻找那些标志                                                  




(    )1.What _____ this _____? It _____ ‘No smoking’.

  A. do, mean, means      

  B. does, means, means 

  C. does, mean, means

(    )2.This sign “No smoking” ______ you can’t smoke.

    A. mean       B.means             C.meaning

(    )3.What ________the words mean?

    A. does             B.do                C.is

(    )4.No parking means we shouldn’t _________.

A.ride our bikes in the park     

 B.take a bus      

 C. stop your car here.

(    )5. _____that sign interesting? Yes, I think so.

A. Does         B. What’s             C. Is

(     )6.  Where were my shoes?________________________
  A. It’s on the desk.            

  B.They are under the desk.     

  C. They were under the desk.

(      )7. Mr Green usually         his friends when he was young.
A. writes            B. is writing             C. wrote 

(      )8. Why        we swim in the river?   —— Can’t you see the sign ‘No swimming’ there?
A. can                B. should               C. can’t   

(     )9. The boys         in the restaurant now.

   A. is looking     

   B. are eating      

   C. are seeing 

   D. is watching

(     )10. I called        yesterday afternoon. But she        in.

  A. she, isn’t.   

  B. her,wasn’t    

  C. her,isn’t

(    )11. We __________take the hot dogs ________ the food shop.

 A.should, in          

 B.shouldn’t, into   

 C.can, at

(    )12. His mother is giving some bananas ___________ the elephant.

        A. for           B.into                 C.to

(    )13. It’s time for class. We        play games.

A. don’t      B. would like      C. can’t   D. should

(    )14. —–Does Mike often       kites at the weekends?

—–No, but he       kites with me last weekends.

A. fly; fly             B.flew; flew            C. fly; flew

(    )15. Maybe(也许)the girl knows that sign. Let _______go and ask _______.

      A me , her     

    B. my, her          

   C me,him        

   D.my, him


1. Five years ago, he ____________ (can) ride a bike.

2. There _____________ (be)a lot of rain yesterday evening.

3. What _____________ (do) the sign mean?  It means “No swimming”.

4. Mike’s grandpa likes ___________ (listen) to the radio.

5.The boy ____________ (do not) his homework yesterday evening.

6. The sign on the wall ____________ (mean) Danger.

7. Mike would like______________( take) some drinks into the restaurant.

8. Look. The old man ________________(smoke).

9. __________ your father __________(write)letters to you yesterday?

10. My moyher ____________(buy) a lot of things at the shopping centre two days ago.

11. Oh, what a day! It’s             (rain) now.

12. Mr Wang____________ (take) a walk in the street last night.

13.Where did you go on holiday? I             (go) to Xi’an.

译林小学英语六年级上册Unit 5单元测试


1. We should take some drinks into the library. (改为否定句)

 We ___________ take __________ drinks into the library.

2. It means ‘Danger’.  (对划线部分提问)            _________  __________ it __________ ?

3. He could play computer games. (对划线部分提问)   _________  ___________  he do ?                                                   

4. I did my homework yesterday. (改否定句)            I __________  ___________ my homework yesterday.

5. It means the floor is wet. (改成一般疑问句)           __________ it ___________ the floor is wet?

6. These pens are on the desk now.  (用this afternoon代替now)

These pens ________ on the desk this afternoon.

7. a  on  sign  find  tree  they  the  (.)  (连词成句)(1分)


六、完形填空 (10分)

We know a lot about   1  . They   2   different   3  . We   4   walk   5   the grass(草). We should   6   in the classroom. The sign’Danger’   7   we   8 go in it. In the cinema or other places(地方), we shouldn’t   9   things. In the library or reading room, we should read books   10  .

(     )1. A. public(公共)sign  B. publics sign       C. public signs

(     )2. A. mean      B. means       C. meaning

(     )3. A. things       B. the thing          C. thing

(     )4. A. should       B. can              C. can’t

(     )5. A. in              B. on               C. to

(     )6.A. be quiet       B. make noise     

          C. keep off the grass (远离草坪)

(     )7.A. is mean       B. mean       C. means

(     )8. A.must          B. can            C. shouldn’t

(     )9. A. litter          B. no littering    C. touch

(     )10. A. quiet       B. quietly       C. be quiet

七、阅读理解  (10分)


I have a cousin. He’s only four years old. Today I go to a library with him. He doesn’t know the signs. I tell him about the signs. This sign means “Be quiet”. We should not shout in the library .  That sign means “No eating or drinking”. We can’t eat or drink here. My cousin knows a lot about the signs in the signs in the library after I tell him.

(    )1、My cousin is five years old .

(    )2、We are in the supermarket.

(    )3、We shouldn’t smoke in the library.

(    )4、We can eat and drink in the library.

(    )5、We shouldn’t shout in the library.


Bill’s birthday presents

Bill’s birthday came on a sunny day in June. He got a lot of presents from his family and friends .All of the presents were in nice boxes.

His father and mother gave him a yellow box with a book in it. His mother said, “It’s our present for you. There are a lot of interesting stories in it. It’s good for you to do more reading.”

Tim, one of Bill’s best friends, gave him a long box. An umbrella was in it.

Bill’s sister gave him a round box. It was a large cake, he guessed, but is was a football. Bill likes playing football very much, so he was glad to have it.

Bill’s brother gave Bill a big red box. Bill opened it and there was another box in it. The box was green. He opened the small box and saw a third box. This one was blue. There was a little white envelope(信封) in it. He saw a piece of paper in the envelope. The paper said, “Go to your bedroom. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them.” Bill ran to his bedroom and found the boxes on the bed. The black one is bigger than (比…大)the grey one, and the white one is the smallest(最小的). Perhaps the present was in the grey box. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very glad to see a skateboard(滑板)in it.

(    )1. Bill’s parents put their present in           for his birthday.

   A. a yellow box    

  B. a lot of boxes   

  C. a black box     

  D. a grey box

(    )2.Whos is Tim?

   A. A friend of Bill’s father.    

   B. One of Bill’s best friends. 

   C. Bill’s brother.  

   D. Bill’s sister.

(    )3.How many boxes did Bill’s brother put in his bedroom?

   A. One       B. Two       C. Three      D. Four

(    )4.What colour was the biggest(最大的) box?

A. Grey.       B. Black.      C. White.     D. Blue.

(     )5.What was in the biggest box?

    A.A book.        

   B. A piece of paper. 

   C. A skateboard.  

    D. A small box.  






  1. in the forest 

  2.  look for 

   3.want some juice 

   4. eat some noodles   

    5.don’t smoke

    6. wet floor   

   7. take your juice into the shop  

   8. be careful    

   9. can’t litter       

  10. at a shopping center


  1. What does the sign mean? It means “No parking”.          

  2. There’s a sign. It means ”No eating or drinking ”.

   3.This sign means ”Wet floor”.                           4.What does the sign mean? 

      It means “Danger”.

   5.What does the sign mean? 

      It means “No littering”.


  1. What does the sign “No fishing” mean? 

  2. Do you want some juice?   

  3. Where were you yesterday?

  4.  What did you do last Sunday?   

  5.  Can you see a sign around you?


  1. Be careful, the floor is wet.          

  2. What does that sign mean?   

  3. We shouldn’t smoke here.

   4.The shopping centre is so clean.

       Don’t litter here, please.                  

 5.We are on an outing.


  一、(左面)10   6   9   4    2;       

       (右面)8    3     7    5    1

  二、4    2    3    1    5;                    

  三、1.C    2.A     3.B    4.C    5.C

  四、1.careful;    2.mean;     3.smoke   

         4.litter      5.outing



  1. time for lunch   

  2. a lot of /many monkeys  

  3. walk on    

  4. No eating or drinking   

  5. be on an outing

  6. 吃一些面条   

  7. 进入那家饭店 

  8. around the shopping centre  

  9. look for those signs   

  10.a kite on a tree


   1.A   2.B   3.B   4.C    5.C   6.C   7.C   8.C   9.B   10.B   11.B   12.C   13.C   14.C   15.A


   1.could          2.was          3.does        4.listening      5.didn’t do      6.means   

   7.to take      8.is smoking      9.Did, write             10.bought     11.raining      12.took   13.went


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