八年级英语上册句型转换专项练习(含答案) | 英语堂



1If you run out of your money, you can’t buy the book.(改同义句)
If your money ________ ________, you can’t buy the book.
【答案】  runs    out  
解析  句意:如果你的钱花光了,你就不能买书了。run out of,花光,主语是人;run out,花光,主语是物,空处所在句子的主语是your money,物,应用run out;根据主句“you can’t buy the book.”时态可知,从句应是一般现在时,主语“your money”是第三人称单数形式,故动词后要加s。故填runs;out。

2、What’s wrong with him? (改同义句)
________ ________ ________ with him?
【答案】  What’s    the    matter    
解析  句意:他怎么了?原句中“What’s wrong …”是询问对方“怎么了”,同义句型有“What’s the matter with…”。故填What’s; the; matter。

3、My brother didn’t answer right now.(改同义句)
My brother didn’t answer ____  ____.
【答案】   right/at    away/once
解析  句意:我哥哥没有马上回答。此处要填right now的同义短语。right away=at once,意为“立刻,马上”,与right now含义相同。故填right/at;away/once。
4、The girl is not old enough to dress herself.(改同义句)
The girl is ____ young ____ she can’t dress herself.
【答案】   so    that
解析  句意:这个女孩太小了,还不能自己穿衣服。根据“not old enough to do dress herself”可知是太年轻不能自己穿衣服,用so … that引导结果状语从句。故填so;that。
5、What’s the trouble with you?(改同义句)
____ the ____ with you?
【答案】   What’s    matter    
解析  句意:你怎么了?What’s the trouble with you?意为“你怎么了?”相当于What’s the matter with you?故填What’s;matter。

6、I hope I can see you again.(改同义句)
I hope ______ ______ ______ again.
【答案】   to    see    you    
解析   句意:我希望能再见到你。题目要求改为同义句,原句为“hope +(that)从句”结构,可用“hope to do sth.”结构去替换,即hope to see you。故填to;see;you。
7、I need to take care of my younger sister.(改同义句)
I need to ________ my younger sister.
【答案】    look after
解析   句意:我得照顾我妹妹。take care of=look after“照顾”,need在这里是实义动词,need to do sth“需要做某事”,故填look after。
8、Kangkang wants to become a friend of Michael. (改同义句)
Kangkang wants to ________ ________ ________ Michael.
【答案】    make    friends    with    
解析  句意:康康想成为迈克尔的朋友。要求改为同义句,become a friend of=make friends with和……交朋友,want to do sth“想要做某事”,此空应填动词原形。故填make friends with。

9、They don′t know what they can do.(改同义句)
They don′t know what ________ ________.
【答案】   to    do   
解析   句意:他们不知道他们能做什么。根据空格数量,可知,此空可改为引导词what+动词不定式to do的结构,故填to;do。
10、Mary thought up a good idea for us.(改同义句)
Mary ____ ____ ____ a good idea for us.
【答案】   came    up    with    
解析   句意:玛丽为我们想出了一个好主意。“想出”表达为think up/come up with,原句是过去时,改写后也用过去时,动词用过去式,故填came;up;with。
11、Bruce is such a clever boy. (改同义句)
Bruce is ________ ________ a boy.
【答案】   so    clever
解析   句意:布鲁斯真是个聪明的男孩。such修饰名词,so修饰形容词或副词;原句such a clever boy可替换为so clever a boy。故填so;clever。

12、I don’t think learning English well is very easy. (改同义句)
I don’t think________very easy________ ________English well.
【答案】    it    to    learn
解析   think it+形容词+to do sth.“认为做某事是……”;短语learn English“学英语”;it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式。故填it;to;learn。
13、Let’s think of a way to solve the problem. (改同义句)
Let’s ________ ________ ________ a way to solve the problem.
【答案】    come    up    with    
解析   句意:让我们想个办法解决这个问题。短语“think of”意为“想出”,同义短语用come up with;空前有“Let”,所以come用原形。故填come;up;with。
14、They don’t know what they should do.(改同义句)
They don’t know what ____ ____.
【答案】  to    do
解析   句意:他们不知道他们应该做什么。分析句子结构可知,what they should do 在句中作know的宾语,在英语中,也可用疑问词+动词不定式代替名词性从句,因为“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”这种结构相当于一个名词性从句,这种结构在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等。故填to;do。
15、We are luckier than them.(改同义句)
They are ____ lucky ____ us.
【答案】    less    than    
解析   句意:我们比他们幸运。根据“They are … lucky … us.”可知转换后句意为“他们没有我们幸运”,“less+形容词原级+than”是比较级的一种,表示程度词语,此处指“没有我们幸运”,用less lucky than us。故填less;than。



16、She spent two hours finishing her project.
____ ____ ____ two hours to finish her project.
【答案】   It    took    her    
解析   句意:她花了两个小时完成她的项目。根据“… two hours to finish her project.”可知用It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.句式来替换原句,根据“spent”可知用一般过去时,谓语用过去式took;原句主语“She”,took后用人称代词宾格her。故填It;took;her。
17、I’ll watch TV after I finish my lessons. (改同义句)
I ____watchTV_____I finish my lessons.
【答案】    won’t    until    
解析   句意:我下课后要看电视。根据题意是改为同义句,not…until…“直到……才”。此处是在will后加not;will not缩写成won’t;故填won’t;until。
18、How about hanging out with friends to lower your stress?(改同义句)
Why ________ hang out with friends to lower your stress?
【答案】    don’t you
解析    句意:和朋友一起出去减压一下怎么样?How about+doing sth.“做某事怎么样?”相当于Why don’t+主语+动词原形+其他?表示“为什么不做……”,都是表示建议的句型,原句省略了主语you。故填don’t you。
19、After a short rest, they continued walking to the mountains.(改同义句)
After a short rest, they ________ walking to the mountains.
【答案】   kept on
解析    句意:休息了一会儿后,他们继续向山上走去。本题考查同义句转换。“continue doing sth=keep on doing sth”表示为“继续做某事”,分析句子可知上一句是一般过去时,可推测出此处是“kept on”,故填kept on。
20、Although he is poor, he is happy.(改同义句)
He is poor, ________ happy.
【答案】    but he is
解析    句意:虽然他很穷,但他很快乐。本题考查同义句转换。分析句子可知此处缺转折词及主语,转折词是“but”,主语是“he”,谓语动词是“is”,故填but he is。
21、Many students are learning exam skills to get into a good university.(改同义句)
Many students are learning exam skills ________ they can get into a good university.
【答案】    so that
解析    句意:许多学生都在学习考试技巧,以便考上一所好大学。 原句动词不定式结构:“to get into a good university”表示目的,可转换为“so that”引导的目的状语从句。故填so that。

22、It’s time for homework.(改同义句)
________ do homework.
【答案】    It’s time to
解析   句意:做作业的时间了。It’s time for+名词,相当于It’s time to do sth.“是做某事的时间了”。故填It’s time to。


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