







1. 概念:经常、反复发生的动作或举动及现在的某种状况。

2. 基本结构:is/am/are;②do/does

否定形式:①am/is/are + not; ②此时态的谓语动词若为举动动词,则在其前加don’t,如主语为第三人称复数,则用doesn’t,同时还原行为动词。

3. 一般疑问句:①把 is/am/are 动词放于句首;②用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词。

4. 用法:

1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。

例如:I leave home for school at 7 every morning. 每天早上我七点离开家。

2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。

例如:The earth moves around the sun. 地球绕太阳转动。

Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国东部。

3) 表示格言或警句。

例如:Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。


例如:I knew that the earth goes around the sun when I was little.我小时候就知道地球绕太阳转。

4) 现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性。

例如:I don’t want so much. 我不要那么多。

Ann writes good English but does not speak well.安英语写得不错,讲的可不行。

5) 一般现在时表示将来含义

a. 下列动词 come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return 的一般现在时可以表示将来,主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。

例如:The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. 火车明天上午六点开。

When does the bus start? It starts in ten minutes. 汽车什么时候开?十分钟后。

b. 在时间或条件句中。

例如:When Bill comes (不是will come), ask him to wait for me. 比尔来后,让他等我。

I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive there. 我到了那里,就写信给你。


1.Eric often _____ his aunt before he moved to the city. (·海南)

A.has visited    B. visits           C. visited

2.Each of us ______ a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future.(·盐城)

A. has          B. have           C. had

3.Tom won’t go to bed until his father ______ back from work.(·贵州

A. will come      B.came     C.comes      D.come

4. -What did you lean in geography class yesterday? (·青海

-I learned that the sun ______ in the east.

A. was rising     B. rises      C.rose



本题考查时态。has visited 现在完成时,visits 一般现在时,visited 一般过去时。根据 before he moved to the city 可知,此处用一般过去时,故选C。

2.【答案】 A

【解析】 句意:我们每个人都有走向生活的目标,这将引导我们一个光明的未来。

叙述现在事情,句子时态是一般现在时,主Each of us,单数形式,用动词三单式,故选A。

3.【答案】 C


A.一般将来时;B.一般过去时;C.动词三单形式;D.动词原形。until 引导的时 间状语从句遵循“主将从现”的原则,即主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,主语是his father,名词单数,谓语动词用三单形式,故答案选C。




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1. 概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。

2. 基本结构:was/were;②行为动词过去式

否定形式:①was/were + not;②在行为动词前加didn’t,同时还原行为动词。

一般疑问句:①was或were放于句首;②用助动词do的过去式 did 提问,同时还原行为动词。

3. 用法:

1) 在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。

时间状语有yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等。

例如:Where did you go just now? 刚才你上哪儿去了?

2) 表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。

例如:When I was a child, I often played football in the street.


Whenever the Browns went, they were given a warm welcome.


 注意:used to + do:”过去常常”表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。

例如:Mother used not to be so forgetful. 妈妈过去没那么健忘。

Scarf used to take a walk. 斯卡夫过去常常散步。


1. Sally _____ where she had left the car and the police found it this morning.(·武汉)

A.forget       B.forgot        C.forgets

2.  —My mother said you went on a Silk Road trip last year.

—Yes, it ______ a wonderful trip.(·盐城)

A.is      B.was     C.will be      D.were

3. Liu Chuanjian, the command pilot of Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633, successfully  ______down the plane last month.  (2018·宿迁) 

A. has brought   B. will bring  C.  brought  D. bring

4. My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I______ half of it.

A. missed   B. was missing    C. will miss    D. would miss



考查动词的时态。forget是动词原形;forgot是动词的过去式;forgets是动词的三单形式。停车发生在前,忘记车子停在哪里发生在后;根据‘the police found it”可知空处的动词用过去式forgot,故选B。



考查动词的时态。is一般现在时;was一般过去时,be动词的单数形式,用于第一、第三人称的单数形式;will be一般将来时;were一般过去时,be动词的复数形式,用于第二人称和第一、第三人称的复数形式。根据句意和问句中的last year可知,去年的丝绸之路旅行是美妙的,所以这里用一般过去时,排除选项A和C;答句的主语it是第三人称单数,所以这里用was,故选B。t


【解析】句意:四川航空公司 3U8633 航班的机长刘传健上个月成功地降落了飞机。

bring down 使(某物或某人)掉下,降落。last month 上个月,用于一般过去时。bring 的过去式是brought,根据句意语境,故选C。



A.missed 一般过去时:B. was missing 过去进行时 C. will miss 一般将来时:D.would miss 过去将来时。根据句意,可知表示过去错过了一半的内容,所以用一般过去时,故选A。

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1. 概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。

2. 时间状语:now, at this time, these days, etc.

3. 基本结构:am/is/are + doing

否定形式:am/is/are + not + doing


4. 用法:

1) 表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。

例如:We are waiting for you. 我们正在等你。

2) 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。

例如:Mr. Green is writing another novel. 他在写另一部小说。(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)

3) 表示渐变,这样的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。

例如:The leaves are turning red. 叶子在变红。

It’s getting warmer and warmer. 天越来越热了。

4) 与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。例如:

You are always changing your mind. 你老是改变主意。

5) 用现在进行时表示将来

下列动词come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等瞬时动词的现在进行时可以表示将来。

例如:I’m leaving tomorrow. 明天我要走了。

Are you staying here till next week? 你会在这儿呆到下周吗?


1.—Where is Joan?

—She _____ a novel in her study.(·苏州)

A. is  reading   B. will  read   C. has  read   D. reads

2.Linda, Dad has finished his work and we_____to the gym to pick you up.

Thank you, Mum.(·温州)

A. drive   B. drove   C. have driven   D. are driving 

3.Look! Some visitors _____for the bus over there.(·南宁)

A. are waiting   B. is waiting   C. waiting   D. wait 

4.Don’t disturb Allen now. He _____for the spelling competition.(·广东)

A. prepares   B. prepared   C. is preparing   D. will prepare 

1.【答案】 A



2.【答案】 D


根据 Dad has finished his work 父亲现在完成工作了,可知现在就要开车去接你,所以句子时态是现在进行时表示将来的动作,故选D。



根据句首的look可知此正在进行的动作,应该用现在进行时,be+doing,主语是visitors,复数,be 动词应该用 are,故选 A。



根据语境可知艾伦正在做准备,故用现在进行时,be doing;正在做某事,故选C。

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1. 概念:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作。

My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself. 


When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun was shining. 


2. 时间状语:at this time yesterday, at that time 或以 when 引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等。

3. 基本结构:was/were + doing

否定形式:was/were + not + doing.


4. 用法:

1) 过去进行时表示过去某段时间内持续进行的动作或者事情。

We were watching TV from seven to nine last night.


2) 过去进行时可以表示在过去某个时间点发生的事情。


What was she doing at nine o’clock yesterday?


She was doing her homework then.


When I saw him he was decorating his room.


3) 在复合句中,如果主要动作和背景动作都是延续的或同时发生的,那么主从句的动词都可用过去进行时。

When he was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper.


He was cleaning his car while I was cooking.



1.—I asked him a question, but he didn’t reply.

—Maybe he_____about something else while you were asking.(·四川广元)

A. thinks         B. thought

C. will think    D. was thinking

2.Mike_____the furniture into his new flat this time yesterday. (·上海)

A. will move     B. was moving  

C. has moved    D. is moving

3.Amon _____his ship_____in a big storm when a giant fish came out of the sea.(·苏州)

A. will sail  B. is sailing  C.was sailing  D. has sailed 

4.They_____about a comedy this time yesterday.(·临沂

A. were talking  B. are talking  C. have talked  D. will talk 



考查时态。thinks 一般现在时态;thought 一般过去时态;was thinking 过去进行时。根据were asking可知事情发生在过去,同时,“思考”这个动作与询问这个动作是同时进行,故应用过去进行时态,故选D。

2.【答案】 B 


A一般将来时;B过去进行时;C.现在完成时;D现在进行时。结合语句中的this time yesterday,可知此空要用过去进行时,故答案为B。



根据 when a giant fish came out of the sea,可知when引导时间状语从句,表示在过去,当从句的动作发生时主句的动作当时也正在进行。主句的时态是过去进行时,故选 C。


【解析】句意:昨天这个时候,他们正在谈论一个喜剧片。A是过去进行时;B是现在进行时;C为现在完成时;D是一般将来时。由时间状语this time yesterday和句意可知句子用过去进行时表示”过去某个时间正正发生的动作”。故答案为A。

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1. 概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。

2. 时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year),soon, in a few minutes, by the day after tomorrow, etc.

3. 基本结构:①am/is/are/going to + do;②will + do.

否定形式:①am/is/are + not + going to + do②will not(won’t)+ do.

一般疑问句:①am/is/are放于句首;②will 提到句首。

4. will主要用于在以下三个方面:

1) 表示主观意愿的将来。

They will go to visit the factory tomorrow. 


I’ll come with Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Yang Ling. 


2) 表示不以人的意志为转移的客观的将来。

Today is Saturday. Tomorrow will be Sunday. 


He will be thirty years old this time next year. 


3) 表示临时决定,通常用于对话中。

—Mary has been ill for a week.


—Oh, I didn’t know. I will go and see her.


5. be going to主要用于一下两个方面:

1) 表示事先经过考虑、安排好打算、计划要做某事。

Dad and I are going to watch an opera this afternoon. 


2) 表示根据目前某种迹象判断,某事非常有可能发生,表示推测。

Look! There come the dark clouds. It is going to rain. 



1.—Have scientists found life on Mars?

—Not yet, but I think they _____ it some day.(·温州)

A.find     B.found     C.will find     D.were finding

2. Don’t drink coffee before going to bed, or you _____ easily.(·重庆)

A.will fall asleep     B.will not fall asleep     C.fall asleep

3. Next week, each student in the class_____a small gift from their teachers.(·重庆)

A. receives   B.received   C. will receive   D. has received 

4.With the development of science and technology, robot cooks_____in our families in the future.(·广东)

A. appear   B.appeared   C. will appear   D. were appearing 

1.【答案】 C

【解析】句意:–科学家发现火星上有生命了吗?–还没有,不过我认为他们有一天将会发现。A发现,B过去发现,C将会发现,D过去正在发现。根据some day,某天,表将来,因此用一般将来时,will find,故选C。

2.【答案】 B 


3.【答案】 C

【解析】句意:下周,班上的每个学生都将收到老师的小礼物。由 next week,可知此句要用一般将来时,其基本结构 will+动词原形,故选C。

4.【答案】 C

【解析】句意:随着科学技术的发展,在未来机器人厨师将出现在我们的家庭中。根据 in the future 可知,此句表示动作发生在将来,所以用一般将来时态。一般将来时态结构为:will+动词原形,故选C。

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1. 概念:立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来,常用于宾语从句中。

2. 时间状语:the next day(morning, year),the following month(week),etc. 

3. 基本结构①was/were/going to + do;②would + do.

否定形式:①was/were/not + going to + do;②would + not + do.

一般疑问句:①was或were放于句首;②would 提到句首。

4. 用法:

1) “would+动词原形”常表示主观意愿的将来。例如:

He said he would come to see me.


He told me he would go to Beijing.


2) “was/ were + going to + 动词原形”常表示按计划或安排即将发生的事。例如:

She said she was going to start off at once.


I was told that he was going to return home.



It seemed as if it was going to rain.


3) come, go, leave, arrive, start等瞬时动词动词可用过去进行时表示过去将来的含义。例如:

He said the train was leaving at six the next morning.


She told me she was coming to see me.



1.Mr. Wu said he_____us to the zoo the next week.

A. would take B. will take C.take D. takes 

2.Too many people were absent. The chairperson warned that he_____the meeting if necessary.(·无锡)

A. would cancel   B. cancelled   C. would start   D. started

3.We _____sailing on the lake in summer when we were young.

A. go   B. would go   C.went   D. goes 



通过分析本句可知,本句带有一个宾语从句。根据 next week 可知,从句应该将来时,故排除 C、D;在宾语从句中,主句用过去时,则从句也应该用过去时的某种形式,故用 would take 。所以本题选 A。

2.【答案】 A


主句 The chairperson warned, warned 说明是过去时:if表如果,主从复合句应符合“主将从现〞,所以两个方面结合应是过去将来时,would+do,故答案选 A。



When 引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用过去将来时,would+动词原形,表示过去习惯性的动作。故选 B。

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1. 概念:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在并且有可能继续下去的动作或状态。

2. 时间状语:recently, lately, since, for, in the past few years, etc.

3. 基本结构:have/has + done

否定形式:have/has + not +done


4. since的三种用法

1) since +过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980, last month, half past six)。

例如:I have been here since 1989. 1989起,我一直在这儿。

2) since +一段时间+ ago。

例如:I have been here since five months ago. 我在这儿,已经有五个月了。

3) since +从句(一般过去时)。

例如:Great changes have taken place since you left. 你走后,变化可大了。


since 用来说明动作起始时间,for用来说明动作延续时间长度。

例如:I have lived here for more than twenty years.我住在这儿二十多年了。

 注意:并非有for 作为时间状语的句子都用现在完成时。

I worked here for more than twenty years. (我现在已不在这里工作。)


1.We ______ each other since I came to Beijing, but we send emails very often.(·北京)

A. see           B. are not  seeing     

C. will see     D. haven’t seen

2.My father ______ in a panda protection center for 10 years, so he knows a lot about pandas. (·广东)

A.works    B.worked     C.has worked

3.All the skirts______.They______very well.

A, sold out;are sold          B. sell out;have sold 

C. have been sold out;sell D. have sold out;sell 

4.I______my dictionary to my classmate David a week ago, but he______it to me yet.

A. lent; return                  B. have lent; returned

C. lent; hasn’t returned   D. have lent; didn’t return


【解析】 句意:自从我来到北京我们就没有再见到对方,但是我们邮件往来十分频繁。

see 见到,一般现在时;are not seeing, 现在进行时的否定式;will see,一般将来时;haven’t seen,现在完成时。本题考查现在完成时,since 提示前文是从过去某一时间点持续到现在的动作,应用现在完成时,故选D。

2.【答案】 C 


由句中的语句for 10 years 提示可知,此句要用现在完成时,主语my father,助动词要用has,故选C。



第一空sell out“卖完”,强调裙子已经被卖完的状态,本句用现在完成时的被动语态:has/have+been+过去分词,sell的过去分词为 sold;第二空 sell 作“销售”解释时用主动语态,在此处表示一直卖得很好的状态,用一般现在时。故选C。



ago是过去时标志,故排除B和D选项,yet 是现在完成时标志,因此用 hasn’t returned,故选C。

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1. 概念:以过去某个时间为标准,在此以前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之前完成的行为,即“过去的过去”。

2. 时间状语:before, by the end of last year(term, month),etc.

3. 基本结构:had + done.

否定形式:had + not + done.


4. 用法:

1) 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句种。

例如:She said (that)she had been to Paris. 她说她曾去过巴黎。

2) 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。

例如:When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. 警察到达时,小偷们早就跑了。

3) 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示”原本…,未能…“。

例如:We had hoped that you would come, but you didn’t. 我们原希望你能来,但是你没有来。

 注意: had hardly… when… 刚……就……。

例如:I had hardly opened the door when I he hit me. 我刚打开门,他就打了我。

had no sooner…than 刚…… 就……。

例如:He had no sooner bought the car than he sold it. 他刚买了这辆车,转眼又卖了。


1.By the time of last year, she______the piano for five years.

A. learnt          B. has learnt 

C. had learnt   D. will learn 

2.I thought I______in my project report,but the manager said he didn’t see it at all.

A. hand                B. am handing

C. have handed   D. had handed

3.My grandparents______for fifty years by the time my sister was 15.

A. married                    B. had married

C. had got married      D. had been married



由时间状语 By the time of last year 可知这里是指在这个时间之前已经完成的动作,应该用过去完成时:had+动词的过去分词。故答案为C。

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