译林版 小升初提优

译林版 小升初提优

译林版 小升初提优


( )1. in_______, people drive on the right side of the road.

a. hong kong b. beijing c. macau

( )2. we bought a few______ for lunch.

a. potato b. tomatoes c. rice

( )3. the story the fox and the crow is a______.

a. fable b. rhyme c. chant

( )4. you’re really good at______ table tennis.

a. played b. plays c. playing

( )5. the teacher looks_______. let’s keep_______.

a. sad; quietly b. sad; quiet c. sadly, quiet

( )6.we should sweep the floor________ keep our classroom clean.

a. for b. in c. to

( )7.一________ there any milk in the fridge?

—no, there_______ a few eggs.

  1. a. is; are b. are; is c. is; is

( )8.the red light means we must________.

  1. a. run b. go c. stop

( )9, we can only eat________ sweet food every day.

A. much B. a few          C. a little

( )10. She always cooks breakfast_______ seven o’clock_______ the morning.

  1. A.  in; in      B. at; in      C. at; on

( )11.There is________ lion in the forest. _______ lion is large and strong.

A. a;/ B. a; The      C. the; The

( )12. The girl does_______ at school and all her classmates like______.

A. good; her B. badly; her         C. well; her

( )13.—What’s in the fridge?

—There is________ milk and________ eggs.

A. a little; a few B. much; a little      C. some; a little

( )14.—Where can we find Stonehenge?


  1. A.  In the UK.    B. In Australia.      C. In the US.

( )15. She was__________, and she told us the news______.

A. excited; excitedly B. exciting; excitedly   C. excited; exciting

( )16.—Will you cook nice food for us?


A. You are welcome. B. Just wait and see.   C. It doesn’t matter.

( )17. When you walk across the road, you must wait_________ the pavement

_________the green man.

A. for; at B. on; for          C. for; of

( )18. Amy wants a new dress. She_______ it to the party.

A.is wearing B. wore       C. is going to wear

( )19.一________ is the weather like in spring here?

—It’s sometimes_______.

A. What; rainy B. How; rainy       C. What; rains

( )20. I like music very much. Music______ people________·

A. make; happy B. makes; happy       C. makes; happily

( )21. Welcome to Nanjing. Let me_______ you______ our city.

A. show; from B. show; around       C. show; for

( )22. Listen! Yang Ling________. She________ well. She wants to be a_______.

A. singing; sings; singer  B. sings; sings; singer   C. is singing; sings; singer

( )23.—Mum, can I have some cola? I’m thirsty.

—Yes, but just_______. It’s not good for your health.

A. a few B. a lot        C. a little

( )24. My father usually________ fishing at weekends. But last Saturday he

________ for us.

A. go; cooked B. goes; cooked     C. goes; cooks

( )25. The little girl is crying_______. Who can help________?

A. sadly; her B. sad; she         C. sadly; him

( )26. In China, people usually have some________ for breakfast.

A. sausages and bread B. steamed buns   C. cereal and coffee

( )27. —I ‘m tired. Can I_______?

—Sure. Let’s sit by the river and drink some water.

A. have a rest B. walk on         C. go home

( )28. It is often________ in the UK. People usually_______an umbrella with


A. rainy; takes        B. rains; take        C. rainy; take

( )29. In the story, the mouse________ the lion and the lion_______ out of the net at last.

A. help; got B. helped; got       C. helped; get

( )30. To keep________, we must cross the road_______.

A. safe; careful B. safely; careful       C. safe; carefully

( )31.—_______ going to clean the classroom today?

—Su Hai and Yang Ling.

A. Who’s B. Whose           C. Who

( )32. The toy horse is a birthday present for the short boy. 下面画线部分字母组合的发音哪一个与所给例词相同,请找出来。

A. work B. doctor           C. sport

( )33. Mr Brown will________ in the UK for a month.

A. staying B. stay        C. to stay

( )34. _________at home yesterday?

A. Did you B. Are you        C. Were you

( )35. I want to go to your birthday part, ________ I can’t.

A. but B. and            C. so

( )36.—Whose bag is that?


A. my brother        B. Lily’s          C. me

( )37. People in Australia welcome________.

A. visitors B.to visit          C. visiting

( )38. Zhang Bin only drinks________ water every day.

A. a little B. a few       C. a lot of

(  )39. The drivers can see you________.

A. easy B.so easy       C. easily

( )40. Billy is_______ about Bobby’s plans.

A. excite B. excited       C. exciting


1.My mother is a w_________. She wants to write stories for children. 

2.The children are talking about their summer holiday p________.
3. I want to be an a__________ in the f_________.
4. China is a big c_________ in the world. It has a long history.
5. F_________ the rules and stay safe on the road !
6. You can’t __________(cross) the road now. You must w_______( wait) here. 

7.David wants to be a traveller. He’ll________ (travel) around the world. 

8.Look! The king __________ (wear) his “new clothes”.
9. The children are singing and dancing_________(happy) at the Music lesson.
10. The blue jacket on the chair is _________ (Sam).
11. I________(go) to school at seven 0 clock yesterday.
12. We have a__________ (swim) lesson on Sunday afternoon.

13. Zhang Ming and Li Fang are from different________ (country).

14. Don’t speak_________ (loud) in class, please.

15. Would you like_______ (be) a doctor?

16. Look, the students ________ (sing) the song _________ (happy).

17. The party begins at 8:00 and________ (end) at 12:00.

18. We________ (fly) kites last weekend.

19. Jim couldn’t find his parents, so he _________ (cry)loudly.

20. Running ________ (make) us strong.

参考答案:一,1——5 BBACB 6——10 CACCB 11——15 BCAAA 16——20 BBCAB 21——25 BCCBA 26——30 BACBC 31——35 ACBCA 36——40 BAACB

二,1.writer 2.plans 3.astronaut; future 4.countries 5.Follow 6.cross 7.traval 8.is wearing 9.happily 10.Sam’s 11.went 12.swimming 13.countries 14.loudly 15.to be 16.are singing; happily 17.ends 18.flew 19.cried 20.makes

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