译林版 小升初提优(一)

译林版 小升初提优(一)

译林版 小升初提优(一)


( )1. in_______, people drive on the right side of the road.

a. hong kong b. beijing c. macau

( )2. we bought a few______ for lunch.

a. potato b. tomatoes c. rice

( )3. the story the fox and the crow is a______.

a. fable b. rhyme c. chant

( )4. you’re really good at______ table tennis.

a. played b. plays c. playing

( )5. the teacher looks_______. let’s keep_______.

a. sad; quietly b. sad; quiet c. sadly, quiet

( )6.we should sweep the floor________ keep our classroom clean.

a. for b. in c. to

7.________ there any milk in the fridge?

No, there_______ a few eggs.

  1. A.  Is; are       B. Are; is       C. Is; is

8.The red light means we must________.

  1. A.  run         B. go        C. stop

9, We can only eat________ sweet food every day.

A. much B. a few          C. a little

10. She always cooks breakfast_______ seven o’clock_______ the morning.

  1. A.  in; in      B. at; in      C. at; on

11.There is________ lion in the forest. _______ lion is large and strong.

A. a;/ B. a; The      C. the; The

12. The girl does_______ at school and all her classmates like______.

A. good; her B. badly; her         C. well; her

13.—What’s in the fridge?

—There is________ milk and________ eggs.

A. a little; a few B. much; a little      C. some; a little

14.—Where can we find Stonehenge?


  1. A.  In the UK.    B. In Australia.      C. In the US.

15. She was__________, and she told us the news______.

A. excited; excitedly B. exciting; excitedly   C. excited; exciting

16.—Will you cook nice food for us?


A. You are welcome. B. Just wait and see.   C. It doesn’t matter.

17. When you walk across the road, you must wait_________ the pavement

_________the green man.

A. for; at B. on; for          C. for; of

18. Amy wants a new dress. She_______ it to the party.

A.is wearing B. wore       C. is going to wear

19.________ is the weather like in spring here?

It’s sometimes_______.

A. What; rainy B. How; rainy       C. What; rains

20. I like music very much. Music______ people________·

A. make; happy B. makes; happy       C. makes; happily

21. Welcome to Nanjing. Let me_______ you______ our city.

A. show; from B. show; around       C. show; for

22. Listen! Yang Ling________. She________ well. She wants to be a_______.

A. singing; sings; singer  B. sings; sings; singer   C. is singing; sings; singer

23.—Mum, can I have some cola? I’m thirsty.

—Yes, but just_______. It’s not good for your health.

A. a few B. a lot        C. a little

24. My father usually________ fishing at weekends. But last Saturday he

________ for us.

A. go; cooked B. goes; cooked     C. goes; cooks

25. The little girl is crying_______. Who can help________?

A. sadly; her B. sad; she         C. sadly; him

26. In China, people usually have some________ for breakfast.

A. sausages and bread B. steamed buns   C. cereal and coffee

27. —I ‘m tired. Can I_______?

—Sure. Let’s sit by the river and drink some water.

A. have a rest B. walk on         C. go home

28. It is often________ in the UK. People usually_______an umbrella with


A. rainy; takes        B. rains; take        C. rainy; take

29. In the story, the mouse________ the lion and the lion_______ out of the net at last.

A. help; got B. helped; got       C. helped; get

30. To keep________, we must cross the road_______.

A. safe; careful B. safely; careful       C. safe; carefully

31.—_______ going to clean the classroom today?

—Su Hai and Yang Ling.

A. Who’s B. Whose           C. Who

32. The toy horse is a birthday present for the short boy. 下面画线部分字母组合的发音哪一个与所给例词相同,请找出来。

A. work B. doctor           C. sport

33. Mr Brown will________ in the UK for a month.

A. staying B. stay        C. to stay

34. _________at home yesterday?

A. Did you B. Are you        C. Were you

35. I want to go to your birthday part, ________ I can’t.

A. but B. and            C. so

36.—Whose bag is that?


A. my brother        B. Lily’s          C. me

37. People in Australia welcome________.

A. visitors B.to visit          C. visiting

38. Zhang Bin only drinks________ water every day.

A. a little B. a few       C. a lot of

 39. The drivers can see you________.

A. easy B.so easy       C. easily

40. Billy is_______ about Bobby’s plans.

A. excite B. excited       C. exciting

41. You will find Yellowstone National Park in________.

A. the UK B. the US        C. Canada

42. We mustn’t________ on the road.

A. playing football B. to play football       C. play football

参考答案:1——5 BBACB 6——10 CACCB 11——15 BCAAA 16——20 BBCAB 21——25 BCCBA 26——30 BACBC 31——35 ACBCA 36——42 BAACBBC

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