


八 年 级 英 语 (上)

初中英语听力训练:八年级(上)09 音频: 进度条 00:00 11:14 撤退15秒 倍速 快进15秒 合集 #初中英语听力训练96 45个

Unit 9  The memory robot

Lesson 33  The thirty-third Lesson
1.Read and act
[00:20.48]Mr Mott is going on a trip.He is going 
                 visit Beijing .
[00:26.85]His wife,Susan Mott,is asking him 
[00:32.00]His memory robot is with them.
[00:36.08]S:Did you pack your bags last 
[00:40.52]M:Yes,I did.I packed everything.
[00:45.58]R:No,you didn’t.You didn’t pack 
[00:51.23]S:Did you pack you coat,dear?
[00:54.99]M:I…,um,…I can’t remember.
[01:01.47]S:Did he pack his coat?
[01:04.91]R:Yes,he did.His coat is in that bag.
[01:10.56]S:Did he pack his glasses?   

                 R:No.He’s wearing them.
[01:15.42]S:Oh,yes.Did he pack his umbrella?
[01:20.38]R:No,he didn’t.It’s behind the door.
[01:25.52]M:But I don’t need the umbrella.

                 Beijing is a very dry city.
2.Read and say
[01:36.31]Mr mott is writing his diary.
[01:40.28]He can’t remember many things.

                 so he asks his robot for help.
[01:46.45]M:When did I get up this morning? 

                 R:You got up at 6:45.
[01:52.61]M:What did I do before breakfast?
[01:56.77]R:You went for a walk.You bought 

[02:02.41]M:Yes,I remember.I read the morning 
                 paper at breakfast.
[02:09.38]What did I do after breakfast?
[02:13.75]Did we start packing my bags?
[02:17.59]R:No,we didn’t,because Mr and Mrs 

                 Turner came to see you.
[02:25.35]M:Oh,Yes.They came to say goodbye 
                 me.When did we start packing?
[02:33.70]R:We started at 9:15.
[02:37.96]M:Right.When did we finish packing?
[02:42.82]R:We finished at 10:40.

Lesson 34  The thirty-fourth Lesson
[02:59.96] The Memory Robot
[03:03.12]Susan,Mr Mott’s wife,is a scientist.
[03:08.26]Last year she invented the memory 

[03:13.83]He could not remember his telephone 

[03:17.90]He often forgot important meetings.
[03:21.98]The memory robot followed Mr Mott 
                 the time.
[03:26.94]It listened to everything he said.
[03:30.60]It saw everything he did.
[03:29.60]The robot went to his classes.It watched 

                 him talk to his students.
[03:35.56]It watched him eat his meals.At night,it 

                 watched him sleep.
[03:41.51]It knew everything about Mr Mott.
[03:45.56]Mr Mott could ask the robot questions.
[03:49.82]It always knew the answers.It remembered 

[03:55.17]Susan often liked to ask the robot 

[03:59.93]She liked to know everything about 

Lesson35  The thirty-fifth Lesson
1.Read and act
[04:18.29]Mr Mott is visiting No.14 Middle school.
[04:24.25]He is talking with Ann.
[04:27.90]Mott:Hello,Ann!May I ask you some 

                 questions? Ann:Certainly.
[04:35.77]Mott:When were you born?  Ann:I was born 

                 on May 18,1987.
[04:44.44]Mott:Where were you born?
[04:47.97]Ann:I was born in England-in a small town 

                 near London.
[04:54.13]Mott:How long did you live there?
[04:58.68]Ann:We lived there for about nine years.

                 Then we moved to France.
[05:05.44]Mott:Why did you move there?
[05:09.60]Ann:Because my father found work there.
[05:14.35]Mott:When did you come to China?
[05:18.79]Ann:We came here about two years ago.
[05:23.75]Mott:Why did you come here?
[05:27.99]Ann:Because my parents wanted to work 

                 in China.
[05:32.95]Mott:Do you enjoy living here?
[05:37.68]Ann:Yes,we do.Very much.
[05:42.51]Mott:How is your Chinese?Can you 

                 understand your lessons in Chinese?
[05:50.66]Ann:My Chinese is so-so.
[05:54.92]At first I found it hard,but now I can 

                 understand most of the lessons.
[06:02.18]Mott:That’s great!Good luck with your 

[06:08.14]Ann:Thank you,Mr Mott.

Lesson 36  The thirty-sixth Lesson
1.spelling and pronunciation
[06:28.12]c: cow corn climb
[06:37.97]k: kilo keep skate
[06:45.83]ck: pick duck chicken
[06:53.30]qu: quickly quarter question
[07:03.57]f: far lift fifty
[07:14.02]ph: photo telephone elephant

Unit 9:Listening text  Lesson 35
3.Listen to the tape and complete the sentences,
[07:37.76]then try to put the sentences together to 

                 make a passage,
[07:42.73]and then tell the story to your partner.
[07:46.25]1.Lucy and Lily like going shopping when 

                 they are free.                   
[07:52.21]2.Yesterday afternoon,they didn’t have any 
[07:57.77]3.It was a sunny day,so they wanted to go 

[08:03.55]4.This time,they went by bus to a big 

[08:09.19]5.There were many people and all kinds of 

                 books there.
[08:14.83]6.They found a very interesting story book 

                 with beautiful pictures in it.
[08:21.28]7.The book was easy to understand,so 

                 they bought it.

Lesson 36
2.Listen to the tape and answer these questions.
[08:40.95]A:Where were you yesterday,Susan?
[08:44.40]I tried to find you, but I didn’t know where 

                  you were.
[08:48.76]B:I was at my college all the afternoon.
[08:53.02]A:How about in the morning?
[08:55.95]B:I was at home until lunch time.
[08:59.73]I went to the college after lunch.
[09:03.39]A:I went to your home yesterday evening,

                  but you weren’t there.
[09:08.36]  Where were you?
[09:10.99]B:I was with my mother.I had dinner with 

[09:15.43]  But I was at home last night.
[09:18.88]A:And this morning?  B:I was at the airport.
[09:23.04]I went there to say goodbye to my husband.

                   He was going to Beijing.

Words and expressions Unit 9
memory               pack                  everything          umbrella
记忆力;存贮器      包;打行李         每件事;每样东西        伞;雨伞
dry                newspaper            paper           morning paper
干的;干燥的         报纸                纸;报纸                 晨报
at breakfast     say goodbye to       useful
早餐时                告别;告辞            有用的;有益的
scientist             invent               all the time             always
科学家               发明;创造              一直                 总是;一直;经常
everywhere          born                  be born                May
到处无论哪里         出生                   出生于                  五月
move              understand           so-so                 at first
移动;搬动         懂得;理解            不好不坏的;         起先;首先  

most                 luck                  April                    hate
大部分;          运气;好运               四月                 讨厌;憎恨
fly                  painting             airport
飞;飞行         油画;水彩画        航空站;飞机场










9.新概念英语第一册Lesson 1-2课文单词听力自学视频





14. 儿童合唱团震撼合唱《See You Again》

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