

初中英语面试试讲逐字稿人教版 阅读篇1

八上 unit1 where did you go on vacation? sectionb reading

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Lead in






blackboard design


lead in:(简单问候并引入话题:假日)

class begins, good morning, everyone. oh, please don’t sit down. it’s nearly 11 o’clock. you must be tired. how about singing a song together? (if you miss the train i’m on, you will hear the…) all of you did a good job. sit down, please. guys, do you still remember what transportation you can hear in the song? oh, it’s the train. yeah, we can take the train go to somewhere we want to go. and we can also take the train to…go on vacation, right?

today, we have friend jane, do you want to know where jane went on vacation? sure? ok, now let’s come to our today’s new lesson.

Pre-reading: 读前预测

Please open your book and turn to page…Look at the pic in your book. Can you guess where Jane went on vacation

Ss: Japan, Singapore…

Wow, good guessing. But who is right? Now, let’s move on to the passage to have a look.


1.一读大意: First, please go through the passage quickly and find out the main idea. Here is a tip for you: you can just pay attention to the first sentence and the last sentence of each para, which can help you to get the main idea quickly, clear? 2 mins for you, go.

Ok, time’s up. Who can have a try? Yeah, Lily, you are the first one, you please. Yeah, it’s about Jane’s dairy: her vacation in Penang, Malaysia, on Monday and Tuesday. Do you think so? That’s correct! Everyone, you should learn from Lily, she is brave and active, right? Thank you, Lily.

2.二读细节 : Since we have got the main idea, do you want to know more details about Jane’s vacation? But guys, which day interests you most? Alright, let’s focus on Monday’s dairy first. (共同处理第一篇)

Now, let’s read the first dairy again. And for this time, you need to read it very carefully and find out what aspects are mentioned about Jane’s vacation, clear? While reading, you can draw a mind map according to the key information. 3 mins for you. Here we go. Okay, we stop here. So which aspects can you find about Jane’s vacation? Let’s say together. Yeah, the weather, her activities, the food and…? Yeah, her feelings.(板书四个要点) Terrific! Now, who can help me to finish the mind map on the blackboard?

weather: sunny and hot

activity: paragliding

food: Malaysian yellow noddles

feeling: excited  (提问补全板书)

How about Jane’s Tuesday? Now work in pairs and make a mind map just like this. 2 mins for you. Stop here. Who wants to share with us? Linda and your partner, please come here. Wow, you have a clear structure. Good for you. Please come back.(学生合作完成第二篇)


My dear srudents, there is a more challenging task for you, are you ready? Wow, you are so excited. How about your last vacation? Now please work in groups and do a survey about where your group members went on vacation. You can refer to these key points on the blackboard. 5 mins for you to prepare. But pay attention to your voice, fluency and pronunciation. Later, you need to do a report for us. Are you ready? Go.

Time’s up. Wow, I can see all of you are involved. So which group wants to go first? Group1, you four, please come here. Wow, I think your vacation is really meaningful and colorful. Please come back.


Summary and homework:(总结并布置作业)

How time flies! Let’s summarize what we have learned today. Yeah, Monitor, have a try. We have learned Jane’s vacation. And most importantly, we learned some useful reading skills, such as skimming and scanning. Wonderful, you are a good listener, thank  you.

Vacation is so wonderful, right? So my dear students, I hope all of you can do more meaningful things. Do more reading, do more traveling, and do more exercise. 

Here’s your homework :

Write a traveling dairy about your last vacation.

Let’s stop here and see you next time!

初中英语面试试讲逐字稿 听力篇1

初中英语面试试讲逐字稿 听力篇2

初中英语面试试讲逐字稿 听力篇3










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