【课堂学案】 新北师大版高中英语 必修一 unit 1 lesson 3 课文进修和课文翻译

【课堂学案】 新北师大版高中英语 必修一 Unit 1 LESSON 3 课文学习和课文翻译



单元主题:life choices

Lesson 2-3 Your life is what you make it

l3新北师大版高中英语第一册lesson 3 14 音频: 进度条 00:00 04:25 撤退15秒 倍速 快进15秒

your life is what you make it

after a long day, zhang tian finallygot back to his small room, feeling tired.He had started working at seven in the morning and it was eight in the evening now.He had to prepare his lessons for the following day.This is atypicalday for Zhang Tian.[1]Coming to Guizhou  Province  to teach has been  quite an experience  for him.

[1]此处为动名词短语“Coming to Guizhou Province to teach”作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。

Zhang Tian graduatedfrom university and got a teacher’s certificate last year.His parents, like most, hoped he would go to a big city to find a teaching job.Likewise, his friends all left his hometown for work in Shanghai or Beijing.Zhang Tian felt differently, however.He wanted to start a new lifestyle.He had met wonderful teachers from small villages during his early school years and he was inspiredby them to go and teach [2]where he was needed the mostFor that reason he applied and became a volunteer teacher in a village school.Bringing with him lots  of books, clothes, and two pairs of trainers, Zhang Tian travelled to the villagewith an  eager  heart.He imagined all sortsof exciting things about living independentlyand teaching in a village.

However, not everything lived up toZhang Tian’s hopes.The school was much smaller than he had expected, with only three classrooms.In front of the classrooms, there was a playground [3]which got dusty on windy days and muddy on rainy daysLiving in the village was also more challenging than he had thought.The powerand water supplieswere unstableso he could only shower every three or four days,  and he had to learn how to cook.The thought of leaving once flashed through his mind, but he quickly gave upthe idea and found ways to deal with the challenges.

[3]此处为which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a playground

The school had just three teachers and Zhang Tian was the only English teacher.The other two local teachers were responsiblefor maths and Chinese.[4]To make school life  healthier and livelier for his students,  Zhang Tian introduced more subjects to the school—music, art and PE. It is not surprising that PE is the kids’ favourite subject! Their school lives are now more attractive6and interestingand they enjoy playing football in the playground, as well as7singing songs they’ve learnt.The school is now full of8laughter9 and music.Zhang Tian is planning to organise the first-ever school concert! Everyone is very excited.


Zhang Tian’s first year is almost over.It has been a tough yearbut he has enjoyed working with the children.[5]What made him feel satisfied was that his students were able to read, speak and write in English, and they became more  confident:in learning. Besides teaching, Zhang Tian also brought changes to the village.He contacted;charity organisations about rebuilding the playground and setting upa libraryand helped the villagers sell local products online.[6] The contribution  he made to the village was great, so he became  very popular among the villagers and they treated him  as one of them.The village is like his second home now.Although he had only intended to stay for one year, he now feels ready to stay for another year.He feels so happy that he followed his heart when choosing what to do with his life,  even though it may not be what others expected of him.


[6]本句中“he made to the village”为省略了关系词的定语从句,修饰先行词The contributionso引导结果状语从句。

get back to 回到

typical [tɪpɪkəl]adj.平常的,一贯的;典型的

province [prɒvins] n.省

quite an experience不同寻常的经历

graduate [ɡrædʒueɪt] vi.毕业

graduate from 从……毕业

certificate [sətɪfɪkət] n.合格证书

inspire [ɪnspaɪə]vt.鼓励,激励

apply [əplaɪ]vi.申请;请求

apply for申请

eager [iːɡə]adj.热切的;渴望的

sort [sɔːt] n.种,类;类型

all sorts (of sth.)各种各样(的某事物)

sort of有几分,有点



live up to 不辜负;符合,达到;履行

power [paʊə]n.电,电力;力量

supply [səplaɪ]n.供应,供给

unstable [ʌnsteɪbəl] adj.不稳定的

every three or four days 每三四天

flash [flæʃ]vi.&vt.闪现,闪过 n.照相机闪光灯

give up放弃

deal with对付,应付,处理

responsible [rɪ’spɒnsəbəl]


be responsible for……负责

attractive [ətræktɪv]


as well as ……以及……

is full of 充满……

laughter [lɑːftə] n.笑;笑声

:confident [kɒnfɪdənt]adj.自信的

;contact [kɒntækt]n.联系,联络vt.(写信,打电话)联系(某人)

charity [tʃærəti] n.慈善机构,慈善团体



set up 建立

contribution [ˌkɒntrɪ’bjuːʃən] n.贡献

@become very popular

among sb.变得非常受某人的欢迎

treat…as把……当作 intend [ɪntend]vt.









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