【高中英语】summary 快捷小技能(主要针对议论文、说明文)

【高中英语】Summary 快捷小技巧(主要针对议论文、说明文)

【高中英语】Summary 快捷小技巧(主要针对议论文、说明文)




【高中英语】Summary 快捷小技巧(主要针对议论文、说明文)







【高中英语】不定式to do 的详解(一)

【高中英语】不定式 to do 的详解(二)









其次识别文体和文章模式(style and pattern)


Argumentation(论述):Theis statements 论点,supporting ideas 论据 (conclusions,counterarguments)


Analysis of phenomenon(现象分析)

introduction of an item(先容)

Explanation of a concept(概念介绍)


Sequential pattern(顺序模式)


General-specific pattern

general statements,specific statements,details,general restatement (先总述所有观点,例如延长校内工夫对学校,学生有好处,然后分段陈述对学校的好处,以及对学生的好处。)

Problem-solution pattern(找到问题 Q,S1,S2)

problems,cause,solutions ,appeal (先陈述题目,再分析原因,解决问题,呼吁行动)

Claim-counterclaim pattern

claim and supporting reasons,counterclaim and supporting reasons(文章中立,不需求站队队,只需要陈述事实。优点确定都陈述。)



1. 例证(零散/集中事例):1,是否影响分论点,影响必须要写,2占比/复现 3极其/转折 (第一,最后,时间的对比,milestone)

2. 实验/研究:实验者,主题(目的),结果,句型:this hypothesis was backed by a study conducted by (实验者)on(中心)

3. 数字/比例:1临界点须写 2概况词,大比率先写,most of ,the majority of

4. 逻辑词例如but/nonetheless ,however,what’s worse,worse still,also,as well,now,at the same time,moreover这些词建议划出作用:逻辑词前后有两个踩分点 ,划出后找前后的复现词 多次复现的既是关键词 例如 off-line operation 和 have no internet connectin一个意义,说明要写无网支付,daily use 和everyday use、也是复现,同时逻辑词不能被替换,也就是文章用 however,你就踩分点1,however 加踩分点2 .逻辑表达,summary中两到三个即可。

5. 刻画场景(环境渲染,最典型的枯藤老树昏鸦,旧道西风瘦马)summary 都可以删去


In a classroom in seoul,a group of teenager sit over their deskes in silence.Study begins at Eight in the morning and ends at half past four in the afternoon .And some even go back home at midnight .Like thousands of south koreans,they are preparing for the important exam,which will largely determine whether they go to a good university or not .Degrees have become indispensable.



1, but,however ,之类的转折词出现,那么保留转折词之后的内容,前面的内容可删。

2, Insist,suggest,shows,therefore,thus 后是结论,往往是topic sentence,保留并总结

3, Because ,in that,解释原因的

4, Conclusion,to sum up ,in short 总结的内容。

5, 遇到情态动词 例如 should,must,ought to 这种呼吁应该怎么做的句式应该保留。

6, 对于设问的回答,例如文章开头就一连串的问题,那么就要注意对这些问题的回答,大概率是topic sentence




For decades, it has been common practice for rich countries to give aid to their poor counterparts. However, in recent years there has been a growing belief that international aid could be harmful to the recipients. I agree that giving aid to poor countries could do more harm than good. (弊大于利)

It is true that foreign aid has some benefits. Poor countries can use financial aid to build infrastructure such as roads and schools, thereby facilitating economic growth. Millions of Africans now have access to clean water wells, built with aid money, when previously many of them got sick drinking filthy water. When natural disasters strike poor countries, it is common for the international community to send medical assistance and food to them, thus helping to relieve the suffering of those affected and save lives. (有利之处 经济增长,帮助受灾地区。)

However, international aid has far more drawbacks. Around the globe poor countries are often troubled by poor governance, and it is likely that aid to these countries will end up being embezzled(盗用)by corrupt officials, rather than bringing real, concrete benefits to people in need. In war-torn areas, financial assistance may even be used to purchase weapons and in effect fuel conflicts. Foreign aid also has the effect of disrupting the local markets of the recipient countries. When farmers can receive free food on a regular basis they may lose the incentives to grow food on their own. This will hinder the growth of the food industry and create a culture of dependence that is harmful to a country’s long-term development. (缺点:一是被滥用误用,可以用misuse或者abuse 一笔带过,而是 依赖性影响长期的经济增长。)

In summary, although international aid does have its positive aspects, these remain limited in both scope and scale. In many cases, giving aid to poor countries often defeats its purpose, and governments the world over should be prudent(审慎的)when it comes to sending and receiving aid. (呼吁谨慎使用援助)

It is generally accepted that international aid is harmful to the recipient.【高分句型一】(国际援助对接受者有害) International aid is a double-edged sword. (国际援助是双刃剑) On the other hand, it promotes the economic development of poor countries, on the another hand, it brings healthy water to people in poor countries. (提示经济发展,带来健康的水) What’s worse, because of some reason international assistance will impede long-term development within the recipient country.【高分句型二】(限制长期的发展) Thus, the government should be cautions about the aid side and the recipient side. (要谨慎从事)

高分句型一:It is generally accepted that international aid is harmful to the recipient.

译文:人们普遍认为国际援助对受援国有害。分析:It is generally accepted that+从句,意为“普遍认为”

高分句型二:What’s worse, because of some reason international assistance will impede long-term development within the recipient country.

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