






·河南新乡·二模)Most people feel shy at one point or another. For some, however, shyness can be no disturbing that it prevents then from participating in social situations.

Shy people do want to be close to others but fear being rejected or criticzed____1____ They often end up feeling lonely and isolated. which increases their risk for developing other problems like depression or anxiety.

Research shows that shyness is maintained through a vicious cycle (恶性循环) in which people approach a social situation, feel the excessive fear of negative evaluation, and then avoid the situation.____2____However, it often leads to feelings of shame and self-blame eventually. Fortunately, we have ways to increase your own social fitness.

Plan for it to go well. There is an enormous anxiety that others will evaluate you m a negative way, so a good deal of thought in social settings is spent on how not to do something wrong, instead of on how to do something right. ____3____

Be curious about others.____4____Instead, focus on being curious about others. This help you to start conversations. Everyone’s got a story to tell Find out what it is, then sit back and listen. The way to be the most interesting person in the room is to find others interesting.

Give yourself a role. Many of the socially shy people are highly successful professionals, including doctors, lawyers, etc They often comment on bow confident they feel at work, but they lose their self confidence in situations where their role isn’t defined by their job.____5____

A.This initially provides relief.

B.Shy people are often highly critical of themselves.

C.In a social setting. try taking your focus off yourself.

D.As a result,they even avoid social events they want to attend

E.Exposing yourself to your fear is the best way to overcome it

F.So,more time should be spent on how to make the situation a success

G.Having a role gives you a sense of purpose. and guidelines for your behaviour.


·安徽蚌埠·三模)How can you delete your bad behaviors and stick to good ones instead?____6____

Choose a substitute for your bad habit. You need to have a plan ahead of time for how you will respond when you face the stress or boredom that leads to your bad habit. What are you going to do when you get the urge to smoke? What are you going to do when Facebook is calling to you to delay?____7____

Cut out as many triggers (诱因) as possible. If the first thing you do when you sit on the couch is pick up the TV remote, then hide the remote in a closet in a different room. ____8____ Make it easier on yourself to break bad habits by avoiding the things that cause them.

Join forces with somebody. Maybe you “quit smoking”, but you kept it to yourself. Instead, pair up with someone and quit together. The two of you can hold each other accountable and celebrate your victories together. ____9____ Surround yourself with people who live the way you want to live. You don’t need to abandon your old friends, but don’t underestimate the power of finding some new ones.

____10____ See yourself buying healthy food or waking up early. Whatever the bad habit is that you are looking to break, visualize yourself quitting it, smiling, and enjoying your success. See yourself building a new identity.

Breaking bad habits takes time and effort. You might not have success right away, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have it at all.

A.Visualize yourself succeeding.

B.Imagine you can make it in time.

C.Here are some ideas for breaking your bad habits.

D.Your environment makes your bad habit easier and good habits harder.

E.If you eat cookies when they are in the house, then throw them all away.

F.Knowing that someone else expects you to be better is a powerful motivator.

G.Whatever it is, you need to have a plan for what you will do instead of your bad habit.


·辽宁铁岭·模拟预测)Scientific Ways to Improve Our Memory

If you have trouble in remembering the date or the number, you are not the only one. ______11______ However, a research study at UCLA in has shown that there are scientific ways to improve brain functions through simple lifestyle changes.

Exercise regularly

______12______ So put on your trainers, go outside and start working up a good sweat. It’s healthy for both your mind and your body.


It’s a well-known fact eating vegetables can help keep your body healthy, and includes your brain. Various research papers state that vegetables can help lower oxidative stress in your brain as well as help retain healthy cognitive functions.

Reduce stress levels

Research found that intense and persistent stress, especially at high levels, can easily impair our memory and disturb our cognitive skills. _____14_____ You can do this by meditating or taking a walk.

Play video games

Yes, you heard us. Get on that controller and spend a couple of hours playing your favorite video game. It’s good for your mind, according to a recent study that illustrated how these pastimes can help improve the functioning of various memory-associated regions in the brain. _____15_____

A.Try healthy foods.

B.Eat your vegetables.

C.Hundreds of students suffer from poor memory.

D.Memory is to experience reporting in the mind in the past.

E.So slow down, and ease yourself into taking it down a notch (冷静).

F.But don’t go overboard, too much of a good thing can be bad for you.

G.Research found that leading a sedentary(久坐不动的) lifestyle can lead to memory loss.


·北京朝阳·一模)Pets are like our family members and their good health is something that is very important to all pet owners. Just as the pollutants, such as carbon monoxide (一氧化物) and carbon dioxide in the air, affect our health, these same environmental nasties can affect our pets too.

______16______57% of dogs exposed to higher pollution levels developed brain diseases and showed signs of neuro problems. In a more recent study from the journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, researchers found that cats with breathing problems were more likely to live in households with higher indoor air pollution.

Air purifiers have been brought into use in recent years. They work to remove harmful chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other environmental pollutants from the air._____17_____But are they safe for pets? How can we ensure that they aren’t harming our furry friends?

_____18_____The physical safety of using a mechanical device around pets is what we have to pay attention to. Air purifiers come in various shapes and sizes, from small desk-top units to large, free-standing models. In terms of physical harm, there is an existing risk of our pet becoming trapped in the electrical wire of our air purifier. Air purifiers are designed to be used in the home around children and their internal mechanisms should also be safe from small tails of our pets and other parts of their bodies. ______19______

Whether the air purifier improves or damages the health of our animals is also something we have to consider. The air purifiers are safe for pets, but only if they do not produce any ozone (臭氧) byproduct.____20____We should always stay away from the ones that produce even minimal quantities. We are always on the safe side by picking a standard air purifier with the classic 3-stage filtration (过滤) system of a pre-filter, HEPA filter and carbon activated filter.

Picking the wrong air purifier type can quickly make things worse for our pets. On the other hand, picking the correct air purifier can lead to a big increase in the quality of life for them.

A.At present many homes are equipped with these useful devices.

B.Before buying an air purifier, we should keep two aspects in mind.

C.Pet owners always pay close attention to the physical health of their pets.

D.Even the smallest pets shouldn’t be able to access the insides of air purifiers.

E.This greatly depends on the type of air purifier and air cleaning technology used.

F.So always check the product specifications and try to find a model that does not produce any carbon monoxide.

G.A study published inBrain and Cognition showed that dogs’ brains were negatively affected by the heavy pollution levels.


·四川泸州·二模)The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Major Snow, the 21st solar term of the year, begins this year on Dec 7 and ends on Dec 20.____21____. Here are five things you should know.

Snowy winter

____22____, breaking tree branches and blocking the road. In the south, snowflakes fall and the world turns white. A proverb about the snow says, “A timely snow promises a good harvest”. As the snow covers the ground, the low winter temperature kills pests.

Appreciating plum blossoms

Plum blossoms usually flower in mid-to-late December in some southern cities of China, and sometimes bloom even earlier. The plum blossom is admired in Chinese culture for its toughness during severe winters.

Eating lamb

Lamb is a favorite food for Chinese people during Major Snow. ____23____. People in Chongqing like to have potted lamb soup or stewed lamb soup with their families and friends.

Eating porridge

Hot porridge could help warm you and nourish (滋养) your body in cold weather. In China, it’s customary to eat red bean porridge on the first day of Major Snow. ____24____, such as wheat porridge, sesame porridge, radish porridge, walnut porridge and tuckahoe porridge.

Preventing lung illness

During this period, Chinese people watch for outbreaks of lung illness, which can be prevented by properly drinking water. During Major Snow, it’s drier and colder, so people should drink more water. But you should not drink too much water at once. ____25____.

A.In addition, there are other varieties

B.People in southern China make sausages

C.The snow falls at night and melts in the day

D.Don’t drink cold water after exercise, either

E.The snow in North China may last a whole day

F.It’s excellent for protecting the body against the cold

G.During this period, the temperature drops significantly


·福建·二模)No matter what your goals are in life, there is one great law that you need to obey in order to be successful: No one else is going to climb the ladder (梯子) of success for you.____26____ Prom the day you leave your parents’ house, you are responsible for your life and the choices you make.

If you want a better life, you need to make better decisions. ____27____ However, it doesn’t change anything. Only you can change your life by changing the choices you make. Take responsibility for everything in your life. Even if it’s not in your direct control, you can always choose how you respond.

____28____ If you choose what is fun and easy over what is necessary, you will never reach the levels of success and happiness you are capable of achieving in your life. That’s because every great victory requires great sacrifice. If success was easy, everybody would be success.

There is nothing that you can’t achieve with hard work. People often think that their lives will suddenly change through some magical event in the future. ____29____ Your life changes only to the extent that you change. Nothing will ever change if you don’t change what you do daily.

A great way to actively create your future is to ask yourself: If I already achieved my goals, how would I act on a daily basis? What books would I read, how often would I work out, and how would I spend my time at the office? ____30____

A.But that is not the case.

B.No one else is responsible for your life.

C.Now these questions seem like magic to you.

D.Nothing else can be the drive for your success.

E.Once you answer these questions, you know what to do.

F.The biggest enemy to success is the path of least resistance.

G.You can blame other people for your lack of happiness all life long.


·江苏·一模)Parents showing off their children has long been popular on social media. It is found that videos with children receive three times as many views as other videos. Nine-year-old Ryan Kaji,star of the Ryan’s World channel, topped Forbes’ list of highest-paid YouTubers, making an estimated $29.5 million from his content and product lines.

____31____ Influencer parents and kids across a host of platforms can gain millions of online followers and land profitable sponsorships. Some family influencers get paid directly by brands for endorsing (代言) their products. ____32____ And many more earn income by receiving ad revenues (收益).

____33____ A look at the comments section of almost any website proves the internet   is often a very ugly place. And while the business of family social media is big and growing, there are as yet few meaningful safeguards for kids’ privacy and safety, both from media companies like YouTube and from existing law. ____34____

Leah Plunkett, assistant dean for learning experience and technology at Harvard Law School said, “In many cases, the kids who wind up in ‘commercial sharenting’ are too young to understand what’s going on. ____35____ If there is content going out about the children when they are three years old, they may be pretty uncomfortable with it when they are13. And that content is not going to go away.” Dr. Sarah Domoff, who directs the Family Health Lab at Central Michigan University also says parental oversharing may be damaging.

A.The pursuit of internet fame and dollars may pose serious potential dangers to the kids on social media.

B.Some sell their own branded products directly to viewers.

C.They can’t give any type of permission or know involvement.

D.Some parents have already started to reconsider sharenting.

E.All ofthe problems have experts on children’s rights and development worried.

F.“Sharenting” has now become an increasingly professionalized business.

G.Embarrassing a child publicly can make children ashamed of the parents.


·江苏·金陵中学模拟预测)The 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago in China to guide agricultural production. They also reflect China’s rich history through the seasonal festivals, special foods, cultural ceremonies, family gatherings and even healthy living tips that correspond with each solar term.____36____

Rain Water signals the increase in rainfall and rise in temperature. With its arrival, lively spring-like scenery starts blossoming: the river water defreezes. wild geese move from south to north and trees and grass tum green again.

____37____In northern China, the spring drought is common and the precipitation of this season accounts for only 10 to 15 percent of annual average rainfall. At this time of year, farmers begin to plough their fields. It’s the right time to prepare for spring sowing when the day gets warmer.____38____

During Rain Water period, extra care is needed to deal with a returning cold spell and humidity, which is the amount of water in the air.____39____It is strongly advised not to take off the thick coats too early and to keep warm, especially the elderly and children.

The wet and humid weather during Rain Water period is considered harmful for people’s spleen and stomach according to Chinese medical practice.____40____People in Beijing often eat porridge(粥) cooked with a kind of Chinese herb medicine to resist cold and wet weather. Honey, dates and Chinese yam are also very good nourishment(营养) to put in the porridge

A.With Rain Water coming, insects become more active.

B.A bowl of nutritious porridge is the best choice to nourish the body.

C.Therefore, Rain Water is considered as a key period to water the fields.

D.According to an old Chinese saying, the rainfall in spring is as precious as oil.

E.The temperature in most of the basin areas increases quickly during Rain Water

F.One of the 24 solar terms, which is very important in spring, is called Rain Water.

G.The fast increase in air humidity due to rainfall can result in lower temperature and wet weather.


·广东广州·二模)Want a relaxing but fun challenge at home?____1____ Puzzles have been around for more than 250 years and the challenge of working out where each piece goes and carefully recreating the scene on the box lid can keep you busy for hours, days or even weeks.

Puzzles come in a huge range of sizes and difficulty levels. For beginners, a 100-piece puzzle is usually a good starting point.____2____ Try grouping pieces with the same colours or design because they will probably go in the same area once the puzzle takes shape.

____3____ Those pieces are easier to find because they have a straight side. Stay patient as you search through and try to make it fit together. You may not find any connecting pieces for ages but then several may suddenly appear.

For a real test, puzzles that have 1,000 pieces or more are a tough task and it’s best to complete them with friends or family if you can. Choosing a scene that interests you, such as a favourite film, sport or location, can help keep you interested and determined to work to the final piece. You can get fun educational puzzles, too. ____4____

Some of the best places to pick up puzzles are charity shops. They’re often on sale for lessthan €5. Once you have completed a puzzle it’s nice to exchange it with a friend. ____5____ You just upload an image, such as a family scene, and they will make a puzzle from it and post it to you. It makes lovely and unusual present.

A.So others can have a go.

B.You can’t beat a good puzzle.

C.Some companies make personalised puzzles.

D.However, a good start doesn’t always lead to a good result.

E.Most people like to start by getting the four edges of a puzzle laid out.

F.It can get you used to sorting out how the shapes, patterns and colours go together.

G.For example, you may try a map of the world, historical timelines or the periodic table.


·广东深圳·二模)Career coaches provide a series of services, from helping you figure out what you want to do to exploring chances for career growth.____6____ To make it all worthwhile, some helpful tips are offered here to help you choose a right coach.

Know what type of professional you need to hire. ____7____ In other words, they help you explore your future career possibilities and figure out what is stopping you from advancing in your development.

____8____ Go into your coaching relationship with an idea of what you think you need from them, but be willing to think about their guidance on what other measures may make you more successful- for example, Business Value training to make sure you’ll be satisfied in a new job.

Try sample lessons to find the right one. Most coaches offer free sample lessons, which help you get to know their styles clearly. You may need a coach with career experiences, or you may need one who offers life advice. If you aren’t sure what you want, ask questions. ____9____

Consider cost, and make contact. Coaching fees are not the same. Some coaches charge more for polishing resumes, while others include that in the overall price. ____10____ Once you’re clear about it, you can make your decision and communicate with the chosen coach.

A.Make sure you have a well-designed resume.

B.You need to understand what you’re receiving for the expense.

C.Career coaches also provide services for your personal training.

D.Thus, you can assess whether the coach understands your needs.

E.Engaging with a career coach requires an investment of time and money.

F.Know which services you need and be open to services you don’t know you need.

G.Career coaches can help you decide how to make full use of your professional potential.

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