中考阅读专题29 卡塔尔世界杯与足球运动-备战2023年中考英语阅览理解热点话题分类训练(真题+名校最新模拟题)

中考阅读专题29 卡塔尔世界杯与足球运动-备战2023年中考英语阅读理解热点话题分类训练(真题+名校最新模拟题)



专题29 卡塔尔世界杯与足球疏通

(2022·福建福州·九年级期中)the 2022 qatar(卡塔尔)world cup will be held in november and december. it is the first time fifa has moved the event from its traditional(传统的)summer to winter. it will start on november 21. the final will be on december 18, one week before christmas. the competitions will last 28 days, half a week shorter than usual.

FIFA’s director of communications(新闻发言人)said, “This is an important step for us. December 18, 2022 is a Sunday, and its National Day in Qatar, so it fits perfectly.”

many people disagree(不同意)that qatar has the chance to hold the 2022 world cup, because the summer temperature is very high. sometimes, the temperature may be about 50℃. so the country has an idea to move it to winter. at last, fifa gave the chance to qatar.

The change is good for the players, but there is still much opposition(反对). The biggest opposition comes from the major European leagues(欧洲联赛), because the new time will be just Europe’s club season. FIFA said they would try their best to make things go well.

1.traditional world cup is held in ________.

A.Spring       B.summer       C.autumn       D.winter

2.how long will the 2022 world cup last?

A.Twenty-one days.       B.Twenty-eight days.       C.Thirty-one days.       D.Thirty-five days.

3.qatars national day is on ________.

A.November 21       B.November 18       C.December 18       D.December 21

4.why did qatar want to hold the 2022 world cup in winter?

A.Because winter is good for skating.

b.because it national day is in winter.

C.Because FIFA’S director asked it to do so.

d.because it’s summer temperature is too high.

5.We may see the article in ________.

a.a sports magazine b.a storybook c.a novel d.a dictionary

(2022·福建厦门·二模)to help players perform better in the world cup, people have been improving the match balls for years. let’s check out some famous world cup balls.

Telstar (1970): It was the first ball to appear on live broadcast (直播). It was made with a black and white pattern so that it could be seen on black and white televisions.

azteca (1986): it was the first ball to include designs inspired by the host nation—mexico.

Tricolore (1998): The Tricolore was the first World Cup ball that has many colors. The colors came from the national flag of the host nation—France.

tango espana (1982): it was the first ball with water-resistant (防水的) qualities. it was also the last ball made of leather (真皮).

Teamgeist (2006): It was the first ball to change from the 32 panels (拼块) introduced in 1970. It had just 14 panels.

al rihla (2022): it is a new ball made for the fifa world cup in qatar this year. it has been widely believed that the “al rihla” will be the fastest ball ever used in a soccer competition. it has a new 20-piece panel shape with bright colors of red and blue. al rihla is good for the environment because it used only water-based inks (墨水) and glues.

6.________ was the first world cup ball that has many colors.

A.Telstar       B.Tango Espana       C.Tricolore       D.Teamgeist

7.where will the 2022 fifa world cup be held?

A.In Arabia.       B.In Mexico.       C.In Qatar.       D.In France.

8.al rihla ________.

A.has 14 panels       B.is the first World Cup ball

c.is white and black d.is environmentally friendly

9.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

a.telstar could be seen on live broadcast.

B.Tango Espana was the fastest ball.

C.The 1986 World Cup was held in France.

D.Teamgeist was first used in 1970.

10.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To call on people to play football together.

B.To introduce famous World Cup balls.

C.To invite people to watch the World Cup.

D.To show the importance of the World Cup.

(2022·江苏南通·二模)Match balls are important for players’ performances. Soccer balls in the FIFA World Cup are always evolving (进化). Let’s check out some famous World Cup balls.

Telstar(1970): It was the first ball to appear on live broadcast. It was made with a black and white pattern so that it was visible(看得见的) on black and white television.

Azteca(1986): It was the first ball to include designs inspired by the host nation(Mexico).

Tricolore(1998): The Tricolore was the first multicolored(多色的) World Cup ball.

Tango Espana(1982): It was the first ball with water-resistant(防水的) qualities. It was also the last ball made of leather.

Teamgeist(2006): It was the first ball to change from the 32 panels introduced in 1970. It had just 14 panels.

11.In which part of the newspaper can we read the information above?

A.Magic World.       B.Sports World.       C.Reading Fun.       D.Science Study.

12.Which was the first ball used in a live game?

A.Tricolore.       B.Tango Espana.       C.Telstar.       D.Teamgeist.

13.Which of the following is true?

A.Tango Espana was suitable for wet days.

B.Azteca was the last ball made of leather.

C.Tricolore was designed by Mexico in 1986.

D.Teamgeist was the first ball with 32 panels.

(2022·陕西·长庆八中一模)BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 25th(Xinhua)—“The football superstar Diego Maradona (迭戈·马拉多纳) died of the heart disease at the age of 60, who had a brain operation earlier this month.” Maradona is widely considered as the greatest Argentine football player in history. He led Argentina to the 1986 World Cup, a competition in which he scored the “hand of God” goal against England. In total, Maradona played in four FIFA World Cup competitions and won the best player 91 times in all competitions for Argentina, scoring 34 goals.

This great football player’s sudden death has brought sadness to all corners of the world. CGTN Sports Talk host Hu Zhicheng says that Maradona is what we think about when we think about football, and he has turned a game into a form of art. His achievements (成就) are too great to be forgotten. Diego Maradona, who grew up in a poor family and became the world’s most gifted football player, has gone to play football in a better world.

14.What kind of writing is it?

A.Story.       B.News.       C.Email.       D.Invitation.

15.What led to Diego Maradona’s death?

A.The brain disease.       B.An air crash.       C.A car accident.       D.The heart disease.

16.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Maradona attended FIFA World Cup five times.

B.In 1986, Maradona led his team to win the World Cup.

C.World Cup presented Maradona with the best player 34 times.

D.Maradona scored the “hand of God” goal in every competition.


Every four years, in a different country around the world, there is a big sports competition. It is like the Olympics but only for one sport — football. What do you know about the history of the FIFA World Cup?

The first World Cup was in 1930, in Uruguay. In the final game Uruguay beat Argentina and became the first World Cup winner. Thirteen countries played in the first World Cup. Now there are 32 countries in the competition.

The first time people saw the first World Cup on TV was in 1954 when Switzerland held the competition. Now about 3,000 million people all over the world watch the World Cup on TV.

Until 2002 the World Cup was always in a European or an American country. South Korea and Japan held the first Asian World Cup. This was the first (and so far the only) World Cup to be held by two countries. The first African World cup was in 2010 in South Africa.

Brazil is the most successful World Cup team. They are the only team that have played in every tournament (锦标赛). So far they have won it five times. Germany and Italy have both won four times. Argentina and Uruguay have won it twice. England, France and Spain have won it once.

17.________ countries played in the first World Cup.

A.13       B.30       C.32       D.45

18.People first saw the World Cup on TV when it was held in Switzerland in ________.

A.1930       B.1954       C.2002       D.2010

19.The first Asian World Cup was held in ________.

A.Thailand and Japan       B.South Korea and Japan

C.South Korea and China       D.China and Thailand

20.The World Cup team from ________ have played in every tournament.

A.Germany       B.Italy       C.Brazil       D.France

21.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The first World Cup was held in Argentina in 1930.

B.France, England and Uruguay have won the World Cup once.

C.The first African World cup was held in 2002 in South Africa.

D.Now about 3,000 million people in the world watch the World Cup on TV.


The Street Children World Cup is another international soccer competition. It is held every four years, just before the FIFA World Cup. It was first held in South Africa in March 2010, and then In Brazil 2014. In 2018, it was first held in Moscow. The teams are made of boys and girls under eighteen years old. The competition is known around the world because all of the players are street Children.

A report from the United Nations shows that there are about 150 million street children around the world. There are many reasons why a child may live on the street. Some children have a bad family life. Some get in trouble with the police and have to run away. Other families do not have enough money and tell their children to go and find their own way. But in any country, living on the street is not easy. It’s a pity that very few of them go to school and most of them live in poor condition. Nobody cares for their most basic needs.

The first Street Children World Cup was organized by one organization called Umthombo. At that time, in Durban, one of the World Cup cities, there were many homeless street children. The government wanted to remove the children from Durban because they did not want these children to be seen by people during the World Cup. Umthombo stood up and said that street children were not a problem to hide, but they are children who need some help.

Umthombo’s purpose was to let more people learn about the situation of these children and change the way people see and treat them. It also encourages governments to do more to help these children. The games also help to build and improve the children’s confidence (自信) and self-worth.

22.How many times has Street Children World Cup been held?

A.One       B.Two       C.Three       D.Four

23.Which is the last host country of the Street children World Cup?

A.America       B.Russia       C.South Africa       D.Brazil

24.Who will possibly join the Street Children Team?

A.A girl who has a happy family.       B.A football lover who is 19 years old.

C.A boy who has no house to live in.       D.A boy who gets good education

25.Why did Umthombo organize the Street Child World Cup?

A.They want people to learn a lot about the street children.

B.They want to hide the street children during the World Cup.

C.They want the government to offer these children some help.

D.They want the street children to know they can be somebody.


1.B    2.B    3.C    4.D    5.A


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