lian yingcheng wants to record his life with videos. provided to teens never losing memories 音频: 进度条 00:00 02:55 撤退15秒 倍速 快进15秒 ↑↑点击播放音频↑↑
“i want my video to record my most authentic high school memory and that of everyone in china who has gone through gaokao,” said lian yingcheng, 20, a student from shenzhen university. the 18-minute vlog of his three-year high school life got over 1 million views on bilibili.
来自深圳大学的20岁学子连英成说:“我希望用视频记录下自己最真实的高中记忆,这也是每一个经历过高考的中国人的记忆。” 他拍摄了一段长达18分钟的视频日志,记录了自己三年的高中生活,视频在哔哩哔哩网站收获100多万播放量。 however, lian said that he didn’t expect this video to go viral at all when he was making it. “i have loved using videos to record my life for a long time and post vlogs from time to time on my bilibili channel ‘mark_lian’,” lian said. “the idea of this long vlog has been in my mind since i started high school.”
然而,连英成表示,在拍摄时根本没想到视频会火。“很长一段时间以来,我都喜欢用视频记录生活,我会时不时地在自己的哔哩哔哩频道‘Mark_Lian’上发布视频日志。” 连英成说,“从上高中起,我就有了拍摄这个长日志的想法。” 图源:连英成哔哩哔哩频道截图 Throughout the three years of high school life, Lian’s camera went everywhere. No matter if it was a tug-of-war activity, before a big exam, or simply just a Tuesday noon when everyone was running toward the canteen, Lian was always there to capture the reactions of him and his classmates. “I didn’t want to deliberately design any scene,” he said. That’s why his video is more like a documentary.
高中这三年,连英成用相机记录下一切。无论是拔河比赛、大考之前,或仅仅是某个周二中午,大家向食堂狂奔,他总能捕捉到自己和同学们的反应,连英成说,“我不想刻意设计任何场景。”他的视频也因此更像一部纪录片。 With Lian’s narration in the background, the video tells the story of an ordinary high school boy who struggles to fight gaokao, constantly questioning himself and rebuilding his confidence. The friendship between him and his classmates, the resilience through difficulties and his broad outlook after failure are all reflected in the scenes and his vivid words. “The original idea in my mind was to tell an inspirational, encouraging story of gaokao, but then my gaokao result didn’t turn out that well. After dealing with the pain, I realized that accepting failure and regrets is a more important lesson to learn than ‘getting my wish’,” Lian said.
连英成以自己的旁白为背景,用视频讲述了一个普通高中男孩为高考奋斗的故事,他不断地质疑自己又重拾自信,与同学结下牢固的友谊,他坚忍不拔地克服重重困难,也在失意后放宽了视野……这些都呈现在视频的场景和生动的文字中。“我最初想讲一个鼓舞人心的高考故事,但后来我的高考成绩并不是很理想。体味过痛苦后,我明白了接受失败和悔恨,是比‘实现愿望’更重要的一课。” 图源:连英成的视频日志 People in the comment section expressed how much they could relate to the delicate emotions in the video. Some said that Lian did something they couldn’t do. “I realized that this means more than just recording my life and thoughts,” Lian said. “I want to keep on running this channel, to touch and warm more people in the future.”